Mystery Booms in Minnesota, Nevada, Maryland and Ottawa

“I just had a large explosive bang outside my house with a bright white light which was seen from all my windows in 3 directions.”

- Resident in Twin Cities, Minnesota, October 23, 2015, 11:20 PM CST

October 24, 2015 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Since January 2011, Earthfiles has produced more than a hundred news reports about mysterious, unexplained booms in North America, Europe, and other parts of the world. This year of 2015, there were many boom reports at the beginning of the year and then strangely quiet until September to October. Below are some of the emails Earthfiles has recently received from Minnesota, Nevada, Ontario, Canada, and Maryland. The mysterious boom phenomena has been heard by thousands of people and authorities with lots of news coverage, such as Clintonville, Wisconsin, or in five southeastern counties in Georgia all reporting booms at the same time.


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Part 1: Star Wars Physicist Edward Teller And Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RPVs)

“A menace greater than the nuclear arms race exists. It does not originate here on earth, but comes from space itself. ”

- Edward Teller, Ph.D., in memo to Pres. Ronald Reagan

October 23, 2015 Albuquerque, New Mexico - I want to share an alleged government document leaked to Bob and Ryan Wood in their Majestic-12 documents project at The document is entitled “Edward Teller’s Pitch to President Reagan for SDI” (Strategic Defense Initiative). The date was July 2, a year or two after Ronald Reagan became president in January 1981.

Star Wars Physicist Edward Teller
And Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RPVs)

President Ronald Reagan awarded physicist Edward Teller, Ph.D., the National Medal of Science in 1983. Image courtesy Lawrence Livermore Laboratory.
President Ronald Reagan awarded physicist Edward Teller, Ph.D., the National Medal of Science in 1983. Image courtesy Lawrence Livermore Laboratory.


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Part 2 – Star Wars Physicist Edward Teller, Outer Space Menace And Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RPVs)

“An ingenious new circular airfoil design is now in experimental stage.”

- Edward Teller, Ph.D., in memo to Pres. Ronald Reagan

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October 23, 2015 Albuquerque, New Mexico - The following alleged government document is reprinted in full. Originally leaked to Bob and Ryan Wood for their Majestic-12 documents project at The document is entitled “Edward Teller’s Pitch to President Reagan for SDI" (Strategic Defense Initiative). The date is July 2, a year or two after Ronald Reagan became president in January 1981.

President Ronald Reagan awarded physicist Edward Teller, Ph.D., the National Medal of Science in 1983. Image courtesy Lawrence Livermore Laboratory.
President Ronald Reagan awarded physicist Edward Teller, Ph.D., the National Medal of Science in 1983. Image courtesy Lawrence Livermore Laboratory.


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More Half-Cats in St. Petersburg, Florida and Half-Cat History

“This is not the case of an animal getting ahold of the pet
or an accident with a car. This was clearly somebody deliberately
mutilating this cat (October 8, 2015).”

- Yolanda Fernandez, St. Petersburg Police Spokesperson


October 18, 2015 St. Petersburg, Florida - St. Petersburg, Florida, police were warning residents to keep pets inside their homes after a second half cat mutilation in the past two months was found on October 8, 2015, in the 4400 block of 13th Lane N.E. in St. Petersburg.

St. Petersburg, Florida, is 20 miles from MacDill AFB across Old Tampa Bay. The October 8, 2015, half-cat mutlation at 13th Lane N. E. is marked by the Google pointer. Southwest in the Historic Kenwood district a smaller red circle marks the September 29th "cleanly cut in half" cat mutilation.
St. Petersburg, Florida, is 20 miles from MacDill AFB across Old Tampa Bay. The October 8, 2015, half-cat mutlation at 13th Lane N. E. is marked by the Google pointer. Southwest in the Historic Kenwood district a smaller red circle marks the September 29th "cleanly cut in half" cat mutilation.


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Part 1: Remote Viewer Lyn Buchanan Encounters “E.T.s” At Rendlesham Forest Incident

“I have black on the outside. …that’s where the black, round, shiny part is. ... Oh, I’m viewing ETs. ... So move me back to the place with the yellow light. ... That’s when I got … an incubator.

- Lyn Buchanan in July 14, 1986, Controlled Remote Viewing
for DIA's DT-S STAR GATE unit about “Rendlesham Forest Incident”
24 years before Staff Sgt. James Penniston first publicly discussed details in 2010 of the December 26, 1980, telepathic download with binary code he received in Rendlesham Forest near RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge after he and Airman 1st Class John Burroughs were overwhelmed by a bright white light.

Computer-generated graphic of the black, smooth glassy, triangular craft described by Staff Sergeant James Penniston in Rendlesham Forest in the early morning hours of December 26, 1980, after he and Airman 1st Class John Burroughs were overwhelmed by a bright, white light.
Computer-generated graphic of the black, smooth glassy, triangular craft described by Staff Sergeant James Penniston in Rendlesham Forest in the early morning hours of December 26, 1980, after he and Airman 1st Class John Burroughs were overwhelmed by a bright, white light.

September 25, 2015 - Albuquerque, New Mexico - Recently John Burroughs sent me a link to a document on the  Central Intelligence Agency website that is entitled:  “Approved For Release August 8, 2000 by CIA —  REMOTE VIEWING SESSION DATA. The title page lists the Remote Viewer as “LB.”  The “Actual site” target is listed as “Rendlesham Forest Incident.” The date of the remote viewing session was July 14, 1986.

So I downloaded the 13 pages and called Lyn Buchanan, who I confirmed was the “LB” remote viewer in the CIA-released document.


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Part 3: Remote Viewer Lyn Buchanan Analysis of E.T.s Encountered in Controlled Remote Viewing


“You’ve got the Friendly and Unfriendly. And in each one of those categories, you’ve got the Psychic and either Not So Psychic or Not Psychic At All. Now, in each of those four categories, you’re going to have:
- psychic Greys that like us
- psychic Greys, who do not like us
- non-psychic Greys who like us
- non-psychic Greys who do not like us.”

- Lyn Buchanan, U. S. Army Sgt. 1st Class (Ret.)
and Controlled Remote Viewer for Defense Intelligence Agency
DT-S, Fort Meade, Maryland


Return to Part 1.

September 25, 2015 - Albuquerque, New Mexico - In Part 1, Lyn Buchanan described a project he worked on that divided the many different types of non-human intelligences interacting with Earth by these four categories:

- Psychic Greys that like humans.

- Psychic Greys that do not like humans.

- Non-psychic Greys that like humans.

- Non-psychic Greys that do not like humans.

I asked him for more details about the hostile psychic E. T.s after Lyn explained he had firsthand knowledge from a confidential incident about non-humans working in classified black projects for the U. S. government. And Lyn has personal knowledge of friendly E.T.s who abducted him to harvest antibodies for an alien medical project.


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Part 2: CIA-Released 13 Pages of Lyn Buchanan’s Controlled Remote Viewing of “Rendlesham Forest Incident”

“I have black on the outside. …that’s where the black, round, shiny part is. ... Oh, I’m viewing ETs. ... So move me back to the place with the yellow light. ... That’s when I got … an incubator.

- Lyn Buchanan in July 14, 1986, Controlled Remote Viewing for DIA's DT-S STAR GATE unit about “Rendlesham Forest Incident”
24 years before Staff Sgt. James Penniston first publicly discussed details in 2010 of the December 26, 1980, telepathic download with binary code he received in Rendlesham Forest near RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge after he and Airman 1st Class John Burroughs were overwhelmed by a bright white light

Computer-generated graphic of the black, smooth glassy, triangular craft described by Staff Sergeant James Penniston in Rendlesham Forest in the early morning hours of December 26, 1980, after he and Airman 1st Class John Burroughs were overwhelmed by a bright, white light.
Computer-generated graphic of the black, smooth glassy, triangular craft described by Staff Sergeant James Penniston in Rendlesham Forest in the early morning hours of December 26, 1980, after he and Airman 1st Class John Burroughs were overwhelmed by a bright, white light.

Return to Part 1.

September 25, 2015 - Albuquerque, New Mexico - These are the thirteen pages unclassified and “approved for release 2000/08/08” on the CIA website of the July 14, 1986, practice Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) session done by Lyn Buchanan in the DT-S unit of the Defense Intelligence Agency based at Fort Meade, Maryland. One page after “E.T.s” notation is missing without explanation.


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Grey Non-Human “Floats Up” Out of Human Body On Massage Table.

“All of a sudden this woman (being massaged) turned into a very slender, very pale, kind of ash-skin alien with big eyes and a very big head.”

- Cindy Shilf, Professional Licensed Masseuse, Chicago, Illinois

Bizarre "electrostatic transformation" from female to Grey being during professional massage therapy in Chicago, Illinois,  2005-2006 time frame. Illustration by Cinde Shilf for © 2015.
Bizarre "electrostatic transformation" from female to Grey being during professional massage therapy in Chicago, Illinois, 2005-2006 time frame. Illustration by Cinde Shilf for © 2015.

September 25, 2015 Chicago, Illinois - Back in the mid-1980s after I had produced the television documentary A STRANGE HARVEST about the worldwide, bloodless animal mutilation phenomenon that law enforcement linked to “creatures from outer space,” I received a phone call from a professional massage therapist working in Boulder, Colorado. She said she had just experienced something so weird she didn’t know what to do, but she had seen me on television and thought maybe I could help her understand what had happened. She said she had been massaging a man’s chest when all of a sudden a “thing” that looked like a Grey alien came rising out of the man’s body in a kind of translucent form that she could partially see through and could see her hands stopped on the man’s chest beneath the rising Grey translucent body. She realized she could not move or yell out or do anything. But whatever the Grey thing was, it kept rising and suddenly she could move again like normal. The man had not reacted to anything and seemed unaware that a Grey non-human had just floated up out of his body.


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What Has Killed Nearly A Quarter Million Saiga Antelopes Since May 2015 in Central Kazakhstan?

“Our monitoring showed that the morbidity to be 100%. Now that in a biological system is almost unique. This is certainly unusual. It doesn't make a lot of biological sense.”

- Richard Kock, VMD., Royal Veterinary College, London


A burial pit for some of the 120,000 Saiga antelope adults and calves that rapidly died in May 2015, in central Kazakhstan. Image © 2015 by Sergei Khomenko/ U.N. FAO.
A burial pit for some of the 120,000 Saiga antelope adults and calves that rapidly died in May 2015, in central Kazakhstan. Image © 2015 by Sergei Khomenko/ U.N. FAO.
Remaining Saiga antelope distribution of some 50,000 on Earth are in Kalmykia,  Russia (far left); Ural, Ustiurt and Betpak-dala, Kazakhstan (three middle purple regions);  and Shargyn Gobi and Mankhan, Mongolia (far right).
Remaining Saiga antelope distribution of some 50,000 on Earth are in Kalmykia, Russia (far left); Ural, Ustiurt and Betpak-dala, Kazakhstan (three middle purple regions); and Shargyn Gobi and Mankhan, Mongolia (far right).

September 25, 2015 London, England - On Wednesday, September 23rd, Pope Francis spoke at the White House about his concerns for our warming planet. He said, “Accepting the urgency, it seems clear to me that climate change is a problem which can no longer be left to a future generation.”


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Unexplained Booms Again from Virginia to New Brunswick, Canada


Channel 10 in Portsmouth, VA, reported on September 22, 2015, that from Norfolk to some 105 miles northeast on Virginia's Eastern Shore  to Chincoteague Island, there were “several reports of a loud boom and shaking.” See: 10
Channel 10 in Portsmouth, VA, reported on September 22, 2015, that from Norfolk to some 105 miles northeast on Virginia's Eastern Shore to Chincoteague Island, there were “several reports of a loud boom and shaking.” See: 10


September 23, 2015 Eastern Shore, Virginia, and Salisbury, New Brunswick, Canada - On September 22, 2015, officials with the Chincoteague Fire Department on Chincoteague Island, Virginia, told Channel 10 they had no explanation for the boom and shaking that residents were reporting. Eyewitnesses even reported "seeing flames" in the sky, but fire crews said they only spotted a "red cloud drifting across the sky out over the water that quickly dissipated." Also contacted for explanation were the U. S. Coast Guard, NASA's Wallop Island and Dept. of Wildlife and no one had an answer for the mysterious booms.


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