Part 1: “Death from Above” in Earth Mass Extinctions

A 26-million-year-cyclical pattern has been linked to periodic motion
of our solar system through the dense mid-plane of the Milky Way galaxy.

“The correlation between the formation of these impacts and extinction
events over the past 260 million years is striking and suggests
a cause-and-effect relationship.”

- Michael Rampino, Ph.D., NYU Biologist


Illustration by David A. Hardy,
Illustration by David A. Hardy,


Earth solar system is where the two lines come together near the center of the Oort Cloud of comets, rocks and dust, emphasizing how much greater the icy comet-making region is beyond planets. The Kuiper Belt, another comet-making region, is closer to the planets. The distance from our Sun to the outer limits of the Oort comet cloud is about three trillion miles, or one-half a light year. Our nearest star, Alpha Centauri, is four light years away. Graphic courtesy Yeomans, University of Louisiana.
Earth solar system is where the two lines come together near the center of the Oort Cloud of comets, rocks and dust, emphasizing how much greater the icy comet-making region is beyond planets. The Kuiper Belt, another comet-making region, is closer to the planets. The distance from our Sun to the outer limits of the Oort comet cloud is about three trillion miles, or one-half a light year. Our nearest star, Alpha Centauri, is four light years away. Graphic courtesy Yeomans, University of Louisiana.

November 20, 2015 New York City, NY - 99% of all the species on Earth that have ever lived are now extinct. Earth's history has been marked by periodic mass extinctions of this planet's evolving life forms. The dinosaurs thrived for about 135 million years until a 6-mile-diameter asteroid slammed into the Gulf of Mexico 66 million years ago leaving the 12-mile-deep and 112-mile-wide Chicxulub crater.


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Part 4:  Updates On RAF Bentwaters Mystery – Analysis Problems in Penniston’s Telepathic Download of Binary Code

Summary of 5 pages of Jim Penniston's December 1980 hand-written binary code after December 26th encounter with lights and triangular craft of unknown origin in Rendlesham Forest near  Capel Green farm field in Woodbridge. Translation by Dr. Horace R. Drew and Dr. Mike Reed on November 11, 2010.
Summary of 5 pages of Jim Penniston's December 1980 hand-written binary code after December 26th encounter with lights and triangular craft of unknown origin in Rendlesham Forest near Capel Green farm field in Woodbridge. Translation by Dr. Horace R. Drew and Dr. Mike Reed on November 11, 2010.


Return to Part 1.

November 4, 2015 for KGRA PHENOMENON Radio audience / original Earthfiles posting on January 7, 2011  Timberlake, North Carolina - There are problems in trying to translate the stream of zeros and ones that former RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge Staff Sergeant James Penniston wrote down in his notebook after the traumatic encounter with lights and craft of unknown origin on December 26, 1980.


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Part 1:  Updates On RAF Bentwaters Mystery – IR Anomalies and Telepathic Download of Binary Code

“Security Control, the object is about 150 feet in front of us.”

- USAF S/Sgt. James Penniston, December 26, 1980,
Rendlesham Forest near RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge, England


Woodbridge Community Hall gathering about RAF Bentwaters mystery on  December 28, 2010, the 30th anniversary of the December 26 - 28, 1980 phenomena. R-L: John Burroughs (table right), former USAF Airman 1st Class at RAF Bentwaters; Nick Pope (center), former U. K. Ministry of Defence UFO desk manager; former  USAF Staff Sergeant Jim Penniston (standing below table yellow collar); Peter Robbins, co-author with former USAF Airman Larry Warren of book, Left At East Gate. Image © 2010 by Linda Moulton Howe, speaker and panel member.
Woodbridge Community Hall gathering about RAF Bentwaters mystery on December 28, 2010, the 30th anniversary of the December 26 - 28, 1980 phenomena. R-L: John Burroughs (table right), former USAF Airman 1st Class at RAF Bentwaters; Nick Pope (center), former U. K. Ministry of Defence UFO desk manager; former USAF Staff Sergeant Jim Penniston (standing below table yellow collar); Peter Robbins, co-author with former USAF Airman Larry Warren of book, Left At East Gate. Image © 2010 by Linda Moulton Howe, speaker and panel member.

November 4, 2015 for KGRA PHENOMENON Radio audience / original Earthfiles posting on January 1, 2011  Woodbridge, Suffolk, England - On the evening of  Tuesday, December 28, 2010, there was a gathering of some 400 people in the Woodbridge Community Hall on the 30th anniversary of aerial lights, beams and craft of unknown origin reported after midnight on three consecutive early mornings of December 26, 27 and 28, 1980, at the U. K. and American RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge air base. This 30th anniversary event was organized by Suffolk County resident Gordon Goodger to raise money for the U. K. TreeHouse national charity for autistic children and their families. Speakers included Nick Pope, who once worked on the U. K. Ministry of Defence UFO desk; Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe; and Left At East Gate co-author Peter Robbins with former USAF Airman Larry Warren. This 30th anniversary trip was filmed by the TV production crew for "Ancient Aliens" on The History Channel.

L-R:  John Burroughs, Nick Pope and Linda Moulton Howe on speaker panel  inside Woodbridge Community Hall, Woodbridge, Suffolk County, England, on  December 28, 2010. Image for Linda by Peter Robbins.
L-R:  John Burroughs, Nick Pope and Linda Moulton Howe on speaker panel inside Woodbridge Community Hall, Woodbridge, Suffolk County, England, on December 28, 2010. Image for Linda by Peter Robbins.


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Part 2:  Updates On RAF Bentwaters Mystery – IR Anomalies and Telepathic Download of Binary Code

“Both John Burroughs and I independently witnessed ping pong-sized balls of blue/blue-white light appear amongst the trees in front of us and
move briskly through the tree ‘finger’.”

- Winston Keech, Engineer and Owner, The Power Collective, U. K.


L-R: Light orange straight path from left turn off logging road going east toward the open field.  Red circle in area where John Burroughs reported the TriField meter pegged at highest level  after midnight on December 26 and 27, 2010, in the smaller southern field known as  Capel Green. Blue circle marks the watery marsh in the finger of trees that would explain  why both John Burroughs and Jim Penniston reported getting wet during their December 26, 1980,  3 AM, encounter with the lights and craft. White circle marks the third house that has animals.  Orange circle marks the second house directly across the field from the picnic table and UFO signs (pink circle) of what John and Jim now say is not the correct location  of their encounter. Yellow circle marks the first house.  Graphic overlay of Google map by Earthfiles.
L-R: Light orange straight path from left turn off logging road going east toward the open field.  Red circle in area where John Burroughs reported the TriField meter pegged at highest level after midnight on December 26 and 27, 2010, in the smaller southern field known as Capel Green. Blue circle marks the watery marsh in the finger of trees that would explain  why both John Burroughs and Jim Penniston reported getting wet during their December 26, 1980, 3 AM, encounter with the lights and craft. White circle marks the third house that has animals. Orange circle marks the second house directly across the field from the picnic table and UFO signs (pink circle) of what John and Jim now say is not the correct location of their encounter. Yellow circle marks the first house. Graphic overlay of Google map by Earthfiles.

Return to Part 1.

November 4, 2015 for KGRA PHENOMENON Radio audience / original Earthfiles posting on January 2, 2011  Woodbridge, Suffolk, England - I have learned that human eyes and visible light sensitive cameras are not adequate for monitoring the environment where highly strange phenomena have been reported. Near and Far Infrared and the mid-range in between are the frequencies where many phenomena “hide” from human retinas.


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Strangest Star Light Pattern in Milky Way Galaxy — Are There Megastructures Orbiting KIC 8462852?

“We do know that it takes weeks (for light blocker) to pass in front of the star. ... And the dimming is almost random. That suggests that whatever's blocking the star's light has a very complex structure. ... And there's a lot of them.”

- Jason Thomas Wright, Ph.D., Penn State Astronomer

Star KIC 8462852 is 1,480 light-years from Earth between the Cygnus and Lyra constellations in our Milky Way galaxy in colorful star map below. Image by Kepler Space Telescope for Planet Hunters project/Tabetha Boyajian, Ph.D., Yale University astronomer.
Star KIC 8462852 is 1,480 light-years from Earth between the Cygnus and Lyra constellations in our Milky Way galaxy in colorful star map below. Image by Kepler Space Telescope for Planet Hunters project/Tabetha Boyajian, Ph.D., Yale University astronomer.

October 28, 2015 University Park, Pennsylvania - Last week on October 22nd, senior scientist Gerald Harp at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute in Mountain View, California, reported to Universe Today: “We either caught something shortly after an event like two planets crashing together — or alien intelligence.” He was talking about a very strange star that astronomers call KIC 8462852. This large, mature star 1,480 light-years from Earth has the strangest star light dimming and brightening pattern of some 150,000 stars in the Milky Way Galaxy studied by the Kepler Space Telescope and Planet Hunters project. Kepler was launched by NASA on March 7, 2009, specifically to look for Earth-like planets orbiting other stars.


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Why Mysterious Huge and Very Cold “Blob” in the North Atlantic?


"It is absolutely true that the amount of melting is increasing over  Greenland.... but how much of that is leading to this abnormal cooling
in the Atlantic is just not clear.”

- Thomas L. Delworth, Ph.D., NOAA's Geophysical
Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), Princeton University, Princeton, NJ


October 29, 2015 Princeton, New Jersey - Back on December 14, 2002, I did my first Earthfiles report about the North Atlantic Oscillation that combines with the North Atlantic Drift like a big conveyor belt that brings warm Gulf of Mexico waters northward, warming temperatures along eastern North America and western Europe. Back then the journal Science had published findings that six of the world's biggest fresh water rivers in Eurasia were dumping a lot more water into the Arctic Ocean due to melting perma frost and glaciers as the Earth is warming up. The concern was whether all that fresh water would dilute the salty North Atlantic enough to slow down, even stop, the big conveyor belt that is also called the Atlantic Ocean's "Meridional overturning circulation," or AMOC. AMOC is driven by differences in ocean temperature and the salt content in the North Atlantic.

Graph of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation by Stefan Rahmstorf, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Red colors are surface currents,  blue colors are below surface. “NADW” is North Atlantic Deep Water.
Graph of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation by Stefan Rahmstorf, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Red colors are surface currents, blue colors are below surface. “NADW” is North Atlantic Deep Water.


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Updated with mp3 audio on October 29, 2015. Part 1: Strange Symbols On Disc and Binary Code Download in Georgia

“This big disc had symbols on it that looked like they were part of the object's metallic skin, but a darker color within the smooth metal surface, not raised or etched in, I don't think.”

- “C. J.,” Sergeant First Class, U. S. Army

Two of these June 29, 2015, Georgia UFO symbols above sketched by U. S. Army Sgt. First Class "C. J." are similar to two of the  December 26, 1980, U. K. Rendlesham Forest UFO symbols sketched by USAF Staff Sgt. James Penniston compared in Parts 1 and 2 of this Earthfiles  report. Also see the comparison of their respective telepathic downloads of binary code in Part 2 of this Earthfiles report.
Two of these June 29, 2015, Georgia UFO symbols above sketched by U. S. Army Sgt. First Class "C. J." are similar to two of the December 26, 1980, U. K. Rendlesham Forest UFO symbols sketched by USAF Staff Sgt. James Penniston compared in Parts 1 and 2 of this Earthfiles report. Also see the comparison of their respective telepathic downloads of binary code in Part 2 of this Earthfiles report.

Updated October 29, 2015 - Albuquerque, New Mexico - The sun set at 8:35 PM Eastern on Tuesday, June 28, 2015, in Richmond Hill, Georgia, a few miles southwest of Savannah and the Hunter Army Airfield. Two hours before at 5:34 PM, Army Sergeant 1st Class “C.J.”, his wife, two children, a dog and a cat set off in their pickup truck for a family move to Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Fort Carson. C. J. programmed their Colorado Springs “final destination” into his new GPS.


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Part 2: Binary Code Translation of C.J.’s Telepathic Download in Georgia – Updated with mp3 audio on October 29, 2015

June 30, 2015, telepathic download by C. J. He woke up in the bathroom of the Motel 6 in Paducah, Kentucky, writing these squares and lines on the back of the motel credit card letter receipt asking, "What the f--k?"
June 30, 2015, telepathic download by C. J. He woke up in the bathroom of the Motel 6 in Paducah, Kentucky, writing these squares and lines on the back of the motel credit card letter receipt asking, "What the f--k?"

Return to Part 1.

Updated with mp3 audio October 29, 2015 Albuquerque, New Mexico - By the early morning of June 30, 2015, after driving again all night from Kennesaw, Georgia, north of Atlanta, C. J. and his family checked into a Motel 6 in Paducah, Kentucky. Exhausted, C. J. fell into a deep sleep and remembers dreaming and becoming conscious in the motel bathroom writing down all the above squares and vertical lines on the back of his letter-size Credit Card Sales Receipt.

Letter-size receipt from Motel 6, Paducah, Kentucky: Checked in at 5:13:36 AM in the early morning of June 30, 2015, slept through the day and got back on the road that night.
Letter-size receipt from Motel 6, Paducah, Kentucky: Checked in at 5:13:36 AM in the early morning of June 30, 2015, slept through the day and got back on the road that night.


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