Part 2: From 1977 Abduction to Strange Metallic Implant On 2013 X-Ray

“To breach the integrity of the skin and to penetrate to the level of the fascia where these (anomalous implant) things are embedded into your muscle tissue would leave a scar. But there is no scar. I don't know, I have never seen this before.” 

— Radiologist examining Terry Lovelace right leg x-rays, V. A. Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, October 22, 2013


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Part 1: Gigantic Triangular Craft Took Two Campers in Devil’s Den State Park, Arkansas

“What I got back from those eyes was raw intellect. There wasn't an ounce of mercy or kindness or empathy or anything that's good. Nothing good. I got the feeling that it was there collecting information. Like they were Darwin.”

— Terry Lovelace, Esq., about tall, pinkish-grey alien entity on huge triangular craft


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Part 1: Whatever DoD Reports About UFO/UAPs by June 25th, 2021, Read This “SOM1-01 MJ-12 Special Operations Manual” for Facts.


“Basically what was on the 35mm negative is a 32-page manual dated 1954, which describes for special field units how to recover crashed flying saucers, how to take them apart, how to pack them, where to ship them, how to take care of the bodies and how to keep the public in the dark.”

— Robert M. Wood, Ph.D., Aerospace Engineer


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Extraterrestrial Biological Entities and Discs Described by CIA/U.S. Army Administrator, 1957-1960

My book, Glimpses of Other Realities, Volume II - High Strangeness, first released in April 1998, has a large "Military Voices" chapter which contains firsthand military and intelligence accounts, drawings and documents about extraterrestrial biological entities (Ebens) and non-human entities (NHEs) from origins unknown. See Earthfiles Shop.


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Part 4: 1954 SOM1-01 Training Manual and Challis, Idaho, Huge Triangle

“Basically what was on the 35mm negative is a 32-page training manual
dated 1954 which describes for special field units how to recover crashed
flying saucers, how to take them apart, how to pack them, where to ship them, how to take care of the bodies and how to keep the public in the dark.”

- Robert M. Wood, Ph.D., Aerospace Engineer


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Part 3: 1954 SOM1-01 Training Manual and Challis, Idaho, Huge Triangle

“Basically what was on the 35mm negative is a 32-page training manual
dated 1954 which describes for special field units how to recover crashed
flying saucers, how to take them apart, how to pack them, where to ship them, how to take care of the bodies and how to keep the public in the dark.”

- Robert M. Wood, Ph.D., Aerospace Engineer


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Part 2: Idaho Hunters Describe Huge Triangle Aircraft Over Their Campsite 

“This thing really didn’t bank like an aircraft - it just sort of slid! I could not hear a thing. Couldn’t smell anything. That was very perplexing how something this size could maneuver like it was with no audio sounds at all!”

- Marc Bales, Pilot


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Part 1: Idaho Hunters Describe Huge Triangle Aircraft Over Their Campsite 

“That red light came on simultaneously with a really deep, low-pitched throb, a deep base that was not loud, just perceptible, an immense amount of power.”

- Kris Bales, Hunter


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Part 2: U.S. Navy Chief Yeoman Describes “Extraterrestrial Biological Entities” in TOP SECRET/MAJIC Photographs.

"Whatever convinces this government to maintain the secrecy (about UFOs and E.T.s) is beyond me. I see no rhyme or reason to it, other than ‘We are the good guys. We’re the U.S.A. This is something we need to hold tight.'"

- Thomas C. Sheppard, Chief Yeoman, U. S. Navy (Retired)


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Part 1: U.S. Navy Chief Yeoman Describes “Extraterrestrial Biological Entities” in TOP SECRET/MAJIC Photographs.

"You could tell it was sort of reptilian-ish, but at the same time you could not point out discernible scales. Throughout its head in different places, it sort of had little bumps. It was very smooth. It was very dead."

- Thomas C. Sheppard, Chief Yeoman, U. S. Navy (Retired)


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