Part 3:  “Dark Pyramid” Underground in Alaska, Bruce Pearson’s Navy Father

“The pilot told my dad the Alaska site was ‘every bit as hush hush as the Manhattan Project.’ ...The pilot also told him that it was not a nuclear device; it was not made by man;  it was an incredibly old pyramid and they had no idea where it came from or how it was built underground of cut stone; and it was capable of producing enough energy to power the whole North Slope, all of Alaska and most, if not all, of Canada!”

- Bruce Pearson, New Jersey


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Part 2:  “Dark Pyramid” Underground in Alaska

“...the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS) construction
could have been used as a cover up for the assembly of a group of highly technical people to all of a sudden leave their families and jobs in the States to fly to Alaska.”

- Retired Navy Captain


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Updated – Part 1:  Western Electric Engineer Worked 700 Feet Underground At “Dark Pyramid” in Alaska

“My father said that the Alaska underground pyramid was technology completely unknown at the time when he worked on it from 1959 to 1961. He didn’t know where the technology came from.”

 - “John Smith,” son of Western Electric and AT&T Engineer


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Updated Part 1: Is There A Large Pyramid Underground Between Mt. McKinley and Nome, Alaska?

Updated with mp3 audio of interview.

“My father was 're-recruited' by the military to join a group of other experts to study and work at an underground structure in Alaska that in his words they called the‘Dark Pyramid.’”

- July 27, 2012 email to Earthfiles


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Mother and Son Watched Cow Rise In Golden-Orange Beam to Disc.

“Paul Bennewitz wondered if the underground military governmental complex was hiding information in league with the bad E. T.s who mutilated animals and abducted the mother and son in the beam of light.”

- Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., Prof. Emeritus, Psychology


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Part 4: Retrievals of the Third Kind – A Case Study of Alleged UFOs and Occupants in Military Custody

"While waiting for a sign of intent, a humanoid was observed to disembark from the UFO craft, which was described as 'short and stocky.' Then a beam of light was directed at the Colonel. The Colonel was instantly paralyzed."

- Source: General "T", Wright-Patterson AFB


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Gen. Wesley Clark – Has He Been Briefed About UFOs?

"I was very surprised that Clark made this dramatic statement about going past the speed of light, that he believed it and argued (with scientists) about it as a 4-star general ­ and NOBODY asked him a question about it?!
-- Grant Cameron


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Part 2 – U. S. Presidents and UFO Investigations

President Ronald Reagan on left, wife Nancy, and on right, E.T. film director, Steven Spielberg, at White House screening in 1982. Photograph from Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California.
President Ronald Reagan on left, wife Nancy, and on right, E.T. film director, Steven Spielberg, at White House screening in 1982. Photograph from Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California.

Continued from Part 1:

Reposted January 22, 2024 - October 28, 2003 - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - Moments after the photograph above was taken in late June 1982, Steven Spielberg screened E.T.:The Extraterrestrial for President Ronald Reagan and First Lady, Nancy Reagan. Near the end of the movie, Reagan allegedly leaned over to Spielberg and stated, "You know, I bet there aren't six people in this room who know just how true this really is." (Source: Reagan Library)


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Part 1 – What Does NASA Know About 1965 Aerial Vehicle Crash in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania?

Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, is about 35 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, is about 35 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The unidentified aerial object reportedly fell at 4:47 p.m. on December 9, 1965, in a large wooded area near the village of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. Aerial photograph © 1998 by Stan Gordon Productions.
The unidentified aerial object reportedly fell at 4:47 p.m. on December 9, 1965, in a large wooded area near the village of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. Aerial photograph © 1998 by Stan Gordon Productions.

Reposted January 18, 2024 - October 25, 2003 Greensburg, Pennsylvania - In 2002, former President Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff, John Podesta, joined the Sci-Fi Channel in a request to the Bush administration to release all documents it has on the Kecksburg, Pennsylvania "UFO crash" of December 9, 1965.


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