Warm Oceans and Disease: A Link

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

July 21, 1999 Greenbelt, Maryland ­ In last week's journal Science, scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland reported the first confirmed link between warm ocean surface temperatures in the Pacific and Indian oceans with epidemics of Rift Valley Fever in Africa. Goddard senior earth scientist, Compton Tucker, Ph.D., said, "We feel that the links are solid and the associations are clear."

The warming ocean waters begins with El Nino in the Pacific which produces more rain in parts of Africa. More rain means more mosquitoes, specifically the Aedes mosquito.

Photo Credit: Aedes mosquito, a species that carries different viruses, including the virus responsible for Rift Valley Fever which causes hemorrhaging and can be fatal.
Photo Credit: Aedes mosquito, a species that carries different viruses, including the virus responsible for Rift Valley Fever which causes hemorrhaging and can be fatal.


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Another 90-Degree Aerial Turn Associated with Contrail

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

June 28, 1999 Sussex  New Jersey ­ Back on June 3, 1999, I interviewed Charles Warren of www.contrailconnection.com on Coast to Coast AM radio about unusual contrail patterns and some linked to unidentified aerial objects in or near the white trails. In my June 3, 1999 Earthfiles report associated with that radio broadcast, I posted two x-shaped contrail photos shown below dated May 14, 1999 taken at 3:30 p.m. EST by a New Jersey eyewitness, Ed Davieau, of Vernon in Sussex County near the New York State border. A bright, round object with a pale corona stands out in the sky near the X-shaped contrails.

Glowing round object and x-shaped contrails in Vernon, New Jersey on May 14, 1999 at 3:30 p.m. EST. Photograph © 1999 by Ed davieau.
Glowing round object and x-shaped contrails in Vernon, New Jersey on May 14, 1999 at 3:30 p.m. EST. Photograph © 1999 by Ed davieau.


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Genetically Enhanced Plants Could Clean Up Toxic Waste Sites

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

June 24, 1999 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ­ The United States is currently the world's largest producer of hazardous waste, approximately 275 million tons annually. The Environmental Protection Agency maintains an inventory of more than 38,000 uncontrolled waste sites. Those include 1,400 on the National Priorities List (NPL) - which are abandoned waste storage or treatment plants and mining and weapons manufacturing facilities. Those 1400 sites pose the greatest threat to public health and the environment. The projected cleanup costs for these NPL sites using existing physical and chemical methods will be approximately $750 billion. That's nearly one trillion dollars.


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Contrails and U.S. Government Interest

June 24, 1999 Medford, Oregon ­ In my June 3, 1999 Earthfile report and a June 9th Coast to Coast AM radio program, I interviewed Chuck Warren of Swedesboro, New Jersey who has organized a web site www.contrailconnection.com about unusual contrails. He first posted his own contrail photographs on March 17th. Within a short time, he realized that several government agencies and members of congress were visiting his contrail web site. Viewers included the CIA, Wright-Patterson AFB, National Security Agency , NASA Langley Research Center and many others.


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Moving Contrail Makes 90 Degree Turn Near Three Rivers, Michigan on April 22, 1999

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

June 10, 1999 Three Rivers, Michigan ­ Alan Otterson is 47-years-old and has lived in the Three Rivers, Michigan region all his life. Early in the morning of April 24, 1999 while he and his wife were driving toward Battle Creek, they were so surprised that a moving contrail suddenly made a right angle turn that they pulled over into a parking lot to take the photograph shown here.

April 24, 1999, Three Rivers, Michigan, 90-degree angled contrail. Photograph © 1999 by Alan Otterson.
April 24, 1999, Three Rivers, Michigan, 90-degree angled contrail. Photograph © 1999 by Alan Otterson.


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Increased Gray Whale Deaths in Spring 1999

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

June 8, 1999 Newport, Oregon ­ In the first four months of 1999, 65 gray whales have died during their migration from the west coast of Baja California. There, they give birth in warm water and then travel back north toward the colder Bering Sea to feed on amphipod crustaceans. Seventeen gray whales died in the past five weeks in Puget Sound, Washington. Nearly all the dead whales have been adult females who look like they have starved to death.


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Global Warming Linked to Increasingly Warmer and Wetter Winters in Europe and Western North America

© 1999 by Linda Moulton Howe

June 4, 1999  New York City -This week in the journal Nature (June 3, 1999), the first well-documented link between global warming and much warmer and wetter winters in western North America and Europe has been published. Atmospheric physicist, Drew Shindell, at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Columbia University in New York City confirms that over the past thirty years winter temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere have warmed up a full ten time more than the global average increase of .9 degree Fahrenheit. That means that the west coast of the U. S., Canada and Europe now have winters a full ten degrees Fahrenheit warmer than they were in the 1960's. For the first time, Dr. Shindell has been able to show with confidence that this chronic warming is a result of greenhouse gas emissions.


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Contrails and U.S. Government Interest

June 3, 1999  Swedesboro, New Jersey - Charles and Cathie Warren have lived in Swedesboro, New Jersey for ten years. In the spring of 1999, they heard news reports about mysterious contrail throughout the United States and Canada and started paying more attention to the skies above their New Jersey home south of Philadelphia. Two incidents shocked Charles so much on March 17th and May 23rd, that he put together a web site to share his photographs and information with the public. The result has been hundreds of similar contrail photographs submitted by people from all over the country - and regular visits to his web site by dozens of U. S. government agencies.


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Greenpeace – New Campaign To Slow Down Amazon Rainforest Destruction

June 1, 1999  Washington, D. C. ­ This week, Greenpeace has launched a worldwide campaign against loggers who are cutting down ancient forests illegally, especially Brazil's Amazon rainforest. Greenpeace Executive Director, Thilo Bode, announced in Rio de Janeiro on May 31st that "this is the most important campaign and also the largest. If we are successful, we can do something very important for the planet. It is certainly the most difficult campaign we have ever had." Bode pointed out that 70% of the Amazon's deforestation is caused by loggers - and most of them have no legal right to cut the trees down. Another fact is that half a dozen large corporations in Europe, Asia and the United States control more than 12% of the Amazon's timber-processing capacity and about half of the export value.


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Raw Sewage Dropping On Salt Lake City

April 1999  Salt Lake City - More than twenty
times since April 9, 1999, residents south of Salt Lake City,
Utah have waked up to find their roofs, sidewalks, cars and yards
splattered with liquid feces during the night. At first, investigators
looked to airplanes in the sky. The FAA investigated but could
not match the splattered neighborhoods with specific plane traffic.
As the incidents have repeated, law enforcement is now looking
for vandals on the ground.Jennifer Dobner is a crime reporter at The Deseret News.
I talked with her and later Captain Lee Smith of the Salt Lake
County Sheriff's Office. First, I quoted an Associated Press
report for Jennifer Dobner's comment.


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