Malta’s 6,000-Year-Old Hypogeum – Built to Alter Minds with Sound?

“There is a niche carved at the back of the Hypogeum oracle room
chamber that seems like a deliberate amplification channel for throwing sound.”

-Linda Eneix, Founder, Mediterranean Inst. of Ancient Civilizations

The Oracle Room has a powerful acoustic resonance in the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum of Paola, Malta, the only prehistoric underground temple in the world dated to about 6,000 years old. Hypogeum means “underground” in Greek. Image © by Linda Eneix, OTS Foundation.
The Oracle Room has a powerful acoustic resonance in the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum of Paola, Malta, the only prehistoric underground temple in the world dated to about 6,000 years old. Hypogeum means “underground” in Greek. Image © by Linda Eneix, OTS Foundation.
The island complex of Malta (red circle) is in the Mediterranean Sea 176 miles east of Tunisia in North Africa on the lower left. The tip of Italy (Palermo highlighted) upper right.
The island complex of Malta (red circle) is in the Mediterranean Sea 176 miles east of Tunisia in North Africa on the lower left. The tip of Italy (Palermo highlighted) upper right.

Updated May 6, 2012 / Original April 27, 2012   Sarasota, Florida - At the center of the Mediterranean Sea between Palermo at the tip of Italy and Tunisia in northern Africa is an ancient island complex known as Malta. It's entire land mass is only 122 square miles, making it one of the world's smallest states. About 6,000 years ago, people there built extraordinary megaliths and temples, including the world's oldest known freestanding structure completely underground known as the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum.


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