Part 2:  Unidentified Beam Technology Near Ft. Stewart, Georgia.

“While my wife and I were watching the white beam go up to the craft, we saw something inside the beam that reminded me of a person with arms and legs spread-eagled, tumbling and turning slowly inside that light beam.”

- Derek Smith, former U. S. Army Ranger

April 1974, Hinesville, Georgia, near Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Air Field (HAAF), a glowing disc appeared to raise a human body in a beam of light. Drawing © 1998 by former U. S. Army Ranger Derek Smith.
April 1974, Hinesville, Georgia, near Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Air Field (HAAF), a glowing disc appeared to raise a human body in a beam of light. Drawing © 1998 by former U. S. Army Ranger Derek Smith.
Fort Stewart and Hunter (Wright) Army Air Field is a military complex between Hinesville and Savannah, Georgia. It is the home of the 3rd Infantry Division of the United States Army. Hunter's 11,375 ft long runway (the longest on the East Coast) supports the installation's rapid deployment needs as any aircraft, including the C-5 Galaxy, can land at Hunter. It also has been an emergency alternate landing site for NASA's space shuttles.
Fort Stewart and Hunter (Wright) Army Air Field is a military complex between Hinesville and Savannah, Georgia. It is the home of the 3rd Infantry Division of the United States Army. Hunter's 11,375 ft long runway (the longest on the East Coast) supports the installation's rapid deployment needs as any aircraft, including the C-5 Galaxy, can land at Hunter. It also has been an emergency alternate landing site for NASA's space shuttles.

Return to Part 1

March 31, 2010  Hinesville, Georgia - Part 2 continues with Derek Smith's and wife's eyewitness account while parked at a drive-in movie theater near Fort Smith in Hinesville, Georgia, after Derek was transferred there from Hunter Army Airfield in 1974.


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