Part 3: Unusual Animal Deaths – Sheep Mutilations in Moortown, Dartmoor, England

"What's amazing is that those first seven mutilated sheep in Moortown, Dartmoor, in January 2005 all had their necks twisted and broken. Now ten months later, these six sheep in October 2005 - also in Moortown - have their necks twisted and broken, too."

- Michael Freebury, Independent Investigator

Dartmoor Forest National Park is indicated by the yellow dot in southwestern England on the map above. Below in more detail and highlighted by yellow is Moortown east of Tavistock where the bloodless mutilations of thirteen sheep have occurred in 2005.
Dartmoor Forest National Park is indicated by the yellow dot in southwestern England on the map above. Below in more detail and highlighted by yellow is Moortown east of Tavistock where the bloodless mutilations of thirteen sheep have occurred in 2005.

Megalithic Mysteries describes the ancient Merrivale Stone Circle in Tavistock near Dartmoor where sheep graze: "Eleven stones in a circle varying in height from 30cm (1 foot) to 50cm (1 foot 6 inches). It is a flattened circle measuring 20.5m (67 feet 5 inches) E-W by 17.8m (58 feet 5 inches). A 3m (10-foot 4-inch) tall, slender stone stands at an azimuth of 182 degrees from the centre of the circle, suggesting an attempt for cardinal-point alignment. The axis of the ring is 88 degrees - 268 degrees, a similar suggested alignment." Photo © by Megalithic Mysteries.
Megalithic Mysteries describes the ancient Merrivale Stone Circle in Tavistock near Dartmoor where sheep graze: "Eleven stones in a circle varying in height from 30cm (1 foot) to 50cm (1 foot 6 inches). It is a flattened circle measuring 20.5m (67 feet 5 inches) E-W by 17.8m (58 feet 5 inches). A 3m (10-foot 4-inch) tall, slender stone stands at an azimuth of 182 degrees from the centre of the circle, suggesting an attempt for cardinal-point alignment. The axis of the ring is 88 degrees - 268 degrees, a similar suggested alignment." Photo © by Megalithic Mysteries.

November 2, 2005  Moortown, Dartmoor, England - In the 1970s, counties in southern England including Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Wiltshire and Hampshire had hundreds of people reporting strange, unidentified lights in the sky and on the ground; humanoids - tall and short; cattle herds being mysteriously transported at night from one farm to another (The Dyfed Enigma © 1979 by Randall Jones Pugh and F. W. Holiday); and unusual, bloodless animal deaths often referred to as "mutilations" because the same tissues are excised from animal to animal. Often it's an ear, an eye, the jaw flesh, the tongue removed deep within the throat sometimes along with trachea and esophagus; all or parts of genitals; and rectal and/or vaginal tissue cored out in deep, bloodless holes.  


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