First Ever Dinosaur Tail Tissue Found Covered with Feathers

“The more we see these feathered dinosaurs and how widespread
the feathers are, things like a scaly velociraptor seem less and less likely
and they've become a lot more bird-like in the overall view.”

- Ryan McKellar, Ph.D., Paleontologist,
Royal Saskatchewan Museum, Canada

Feathers on actual tail skeletal tissue of a young coelurosaurian dinosaur. Half the tail was trapped in amber 99 million years ago. This is the first discovery of dinosaur feathers on tissue and reinforces the mind-bending evidence that many dinosaurs had feathers instead of reptilian scales. Image by Royal Saskatchewan Museum/R. C. McKellar.
Feathers on actual tail skeletal tissue of a young coelurosaurian dinosaur. Half the tail was trapped in amber 99 million years ago. This is the first discovery of dinosaur feathers on tissue and reinforces the mind-bending evidence that many dinosaurs had feathers instead of reptilian scales. Image by Royal Saskatchewan Museum/R. C. McKellar.


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