“I heard what sounded like a military powered jet engine at full power for about 5 seconds then it would abruptly stop. The noise would start again every 5 seconds then stop again 5 seconds continuing like this for a couple minutes.”
— U. S. government employee in Colorado, who requests anonymity
“I took my high power laser pointer and shot it up in the direction of the unexplained loud jet sound. … On two separate occasions, I have seen the beam interrupted momentarily — It seems to me there is a real physical object moving through the air that is simply not visible.”
— Scientist in San Diego, California, who requests anonymity and has heard loud jet noises in clear sky and two times flashed a powerful laser in direction of unexplained jet noise and saw the beam interrupted by something invisible
See Sept. 14, 2011, video: Glens Falls, New York unexplained jet noise.
“Strange weird jet-like noises in the sky,” posted by DerekJava, September 14, 2011. Video shot same day it was uploaded. These noises went on for over twenty minutes. I thought the sky was being ripped apart. But, though I looked and looked, I saw nothing that was making the noise. I have been looking at videos of F-15s. While they do sound similar, they would have to be right on top of us to sound like this loud. Plus, my friends heard this same sound, at the same time, at least 5 miles away. Other friends heard it at least a mile away. My sister-in-law heard it about 2 miles away — AT THE SAME TIME I HEARD IT. After a jet passes, if it is a mile away, it is not as loud as this video shows.”
November 7, 2019 Albuquerque, New Mexico – Since January 2011, Earthfiles has done some 200 news reports about mysterious loud, unexplained booms without physical evidence. People also report other eerie metallic scraping and trumpet sounds — as well as strange, loud, jet-like engine sounds, even at night in suburbs far away from city airports. That’s why headlines like this one pop up periodically.

This year of 2019 on August 14th, I did an Earthfiles YouTube Channel broadcast, followed by an August 16th Earthfiles news update, “Strange Jet-like Sky Sounds, But No Planes?” That’s when I reported about high strangeness jet-like sounds heard by a current Boeing Company Production Facility employee in Everett, Washington. You can see the original Earthfiles with maps below this current update of similar weird, pulsing jet-like sky sound reports from viewers in the United States and in other countries.
Since the strange jet-sound phenomenon has not stopped being reported, today I’m sharing this update in hopes there are possibly military and aerospace professionals with insider knowledge about what is happening to produce so many loud jet-like sounds where residents insist there are no airliners or military traffic.
Mysterious, Loud, Jet-Sound Reports In Clear Skies from Earthfiles Viewers
1 – To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com
Re: Loud jet noise in Bloomfield, NM?
Date: November 5, 2019, 3:05 PM Mtn, Bloomfield, New Mexico

“Hello, Linda,
Today is November 5th, 2019. It is 3:05 PM in New Mexico as I write to you and it was only about 20 minutes ago that I had been watching a YouTube video with a pair of headphones on. Then I realized I could also hear a super loud plane/jet noise coming from outside. I was a bit confused by this because the volume on my headset was quite high.
So, I went outside and the noise had gone on for about five more minutes and then ended up going away. I live in Bloomfield, New Mexico and had a full 360-degree view of my surroundings without seeing a single plane in the sky.
After this, I immediately did research and your Earthfiles news reports was the only one that I found with a similar story. Do you guys have any idea on what this was?? Just thought you guys would like to know others are hearing the loud jet-like noise right now as well. Take care.”
2 – To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com
Re: Hello – VERY loud jet-like noise
Date: November 4, 2019, 5:45 AM Eastern, Midland, Pennsylvania

I would like to remain anonymous please. I saw your article (Earthfiles – August 16, 2019) and it said to email if we hear anything. Well, here’s my little story today, early Monday morning, November 4, 2019. I have been googling for about 10 minutes. I live in Midland, Pa. Today on November 4, 2019, from about 5:20 am to 5:35 am Eastern, I heard a VERY loud jet-like noise, a constant engine sound. But there was no jet in the sky. I thought maybe there was an explosion at the plant we live near, but I haven’t seen nor heard sirens or anything. But this noise went on for a constant 15 minutes. We don’t live near an airport. The airport is about 45 minutes away.
I’ve never heard this before. I even locked my windows because it was kinda terrifying. It got dull the last five minutes and I stepped outside and looked up. Clear skies, no clouds, no fog. Nothing up there.
3 – To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com
Re: Strange Jet-like Sky Sounds, But No Planes?
Date: October 16, 2019, 4:15 PM, Stuttgart, Germany

“Hello, I’d like to stay anonymous. Today, Wednesday, October 16, 2019, at around 4 pm Germany time, I experienced the exact same phenomenon you are reporting. I live in the southwestern part of Germany directly in the flight path of Stuttgart Airport. But suddenly, I heard a really loud noise like an airplane in full throttle — or almost as if a military jet would fly right above me. I checked whether any planes took off at the moment, but there were none. Also, I couldn’t see a single airplane or similar flight object near me, even though the sky was clear. It seemed like an invisible, loud jet sound just flew over me very fast.
Could be connected to the experiences in Everett and San Diego you wrote about on August 16, 2019, in your Earthfiles.com news website?
Best regards.”
4 – To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com
Re: Heard sounds of planes or jets all night long and now in Raleigh, NC
Date: October 12, 2019, 7:07 AM Eastern, Raleigh, North Carolina

“I went to bed and all I could hear were noises like jets or planes in the air or like the sound when you hear jet washers against a house This morning I am still hearing that sound as we speak now. To verify it, last night I called my family into my bedroom and they heard it, too. Never experienced anything like this. What can this be? I mean I actually thought we were under attack and then I look into the sky and see nothing. Very scary! Unless we have sent out our military to help Turkey. ????”
5 – To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com
Re: More jet engine sounds with no jet visible in the sky.
Date: September 29, 2019, 11:54 AM, Lone Tree, Colorado.

“Dear Linda,
Thank you for the interesting articles you’ve written over the years. I enjoy learning from your investigative work and reporting. I, too, am an investigator, though from a different spectrum of the government.
I want to tell you about an experience I had around the first week in September 2019. You reported on something similar August 16, 2019. I apologize for not documenting the date and time, but it was late evening, maybe 10:00 PM Mtn. I was in my front yard in a suburban neighborhood in Lone Tree, Colorado. I heard what sounded like a military powered jet engine at full power for about 5 seconds then it would abruptly stop. The noise would start again every 5 seconds then stop again 5 seconds continuing like this for a couple minutes. If you’ve heard the 2011-2013 trumpet sounds in the sky, this was similar to that except for sounding like a jet engine instead of the trumpet.
I am still employed by the U.S. government, but am retiring soon. Yours Truly.`”
6 – To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com
Re: Strange jet engine sounds.
Date: September 25, 2019, 1:35 AM Central, Montgomery, Alabama

“I live in Montgomery, Alabama, about 5 miles from Maxwell AFB. Back in 2016, I was awakened around 12 a.m. (midnight) with the sound of two jets very loud in the distance and slowly getting closer and louder until it was shaking the pictures on my walls, Living so close to the AFB, I thought it was two jets. But after watching your Earthfiles YouTube livestream broadcast on 8-14-2019, I’m not so sure. Love your work on Antarctica and the Navy seals. Stay safe. I’m a huge fan!”
7 – To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com
Re: Jet sound in Christchurch, NZ.
Date: September 21, 2019, 11:24 PM Mtn/Abq, New Zealand

“Hi Linda,
My name is Marcos Teles, I’m a Brazilian man, 51-yrs old, who lived in the U.S. for about 20 years and now I’ve been living in Christchurch, New Zealand, for the last 5 years.
In your 08/14/2019 Earthfiles YouTube livestream broadcast, you said that strange booming, metallic and trumpet-like sounds started in 2011, and it might be related to something underground. And now the strange jet engine-like noises are being reported.
I wonder if you could investigate that horrible 2011 quake here in Christchurch? I think it has something to do with all of it. I live about 5 km from the airport and I hear jet sounds all the time, especially late night usually around 3 AM. I am a light sleeper, so it bothers me to hear it in the middle of the night, sometimes twice a week, sometimes once a month. It is so loud that it feels like it is inside my bedroom.
Today watching your YouTube video, I realized that I should check the airport departure time table. To my surprise, there are no flights between 10pm to 5am in Christchurch, New Zealand airport.
Thank you!”
8 – To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com
Re: Strange Roaring Sounds Right Above My House Last Night.
Date: August 27, 2019, 2:22 PM Eastern, Lexington Park, Maryland
Lexington Park, Maryland, is 69 miles southeast of the American capital, Washington, D. C., and about 50 miles southeast of Joint Base Andrews AFB, Maryland.
“Hello Earthfiles,
Last night at about 9 pm Eastern, I was startled by unusual loud sounds that seemed too powerful to be jets. I live in Lexington Park, Maryland, 2 miles from PAX River Air Station. I have watched and heard jets fly in the sky above my neighborhood regularly.
But last night (August 26, 2019) was nothing like I had ever heard. It sounded like an engine roar, but was decimals higher and the sound did not decrease or increase as a jet would coming or going in the sky. It was a stable continuous roar that stopped and started 4 times with only a few seconds in between each roar. The sky was super cloudy. I did not see anything during the roars. Sounded as if each roar changed positions creating a square shape. So I knew that if a jet was flying closer to the ground than normal, it would not be able to turn sharply in 4 directions so quickly. The sound went for about a minute. This was very strange. I did not call the PAX base. Very, very strange.”
9 – To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com
Re: Jet Sounds
Date: August 21, 2019, 2:07 PM Eastern, Doral, Florida

“Hi, just a quick email in response to your Earthfiles YouTube request for reports of strange jet sounds. I live in Doral, FL, and I was walking my dogs with my daughter about 4 days ago at around 6 pm Eastern. That’s when we heard this “omnidirectional” jet sound. The only way I can describe it is as coming from “everywhere” in the sky. Turning my head didn’t give me an audio cue of where the jet sound was coming from like it would normally do.
Please understand that we live in the path of landing airplanes as they approach MIA (about 5 miles away from our house), so we are VERY used to airplanes flying overhead on their landing approach. But this was very different. There didn’t seem to be a point of origin (usually, you look up and there’s the plane). I had that same experience about 2 or 3 years ago one night also, but it has been only 2 times in the 14 years we have lived here. Maybe an atmospheric phenomenon?
I’d rather my name not be used Thanks and keep up the great work!”
10 – To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com
Re: Anomalous Jet Sounds
Date: August 21, 2019, 8:45 AM Central, Wheaton, Illinois

“Hi, Linda – I read your recent August 16th, post about anomalous jet sounds. It reminded me of something I experienced back in 2001. I wrote it up for an article that I never wound up publishing. So I’ve copied and pasted a bit here. It was very, very strange.
My 2001 report: Around 3 AM one morning in the spring of 2001, I awoke from my bed in Wheaton, Illinois, to hear a vast roaring noise that sounded like several dozen jumbo jets roaring through the sky. It grew louder the longer that I listened, yet when I got up to open the front door to look outside, I saw absolutely nothing on the ground or in the sky that would explain the source of that sound. This continued on for at least five minutes, and seemed indescribably vast in its effect, since the sound stretched from horizon to horizon. There was a railway line several blocks from me, so I was familiar with the sound of heavy freight trains moving through the neighborhood, but this was decidedly different. Not only was it much louder, but it reminded me more of aircraft engines.
The next day, I mentioned this experience to a friend of mine who lived in another part of town, roughly a mile north of me, to see if he had heard anything. Indeed, he had also awoken to the same sound at precisely the same time, though he didn’t give it any further thought. When I called the local police department to see if they had any other calls about this occurrence, they said they hadn’t. To this day I haven’t any idea what those loud, jet-like sounds were.”
11 – To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com
Re: Loud Jet Engine Sound … Nothing in the Sky
Date: August 20, 2019, 7:30 AM Pacific, Westlake Village suburb of L. A.

“Hi Linda:
I searched for reports of the sounds I heard this morning around 8:30 AM, Aug. 20, 2019, and your Earthfiles popped up. I feel I know you from the Art Bell days (1990s Dreamland and Coast to Coast AM, Linda was Investigative reporter for radio host Art Bell).
Now to what I heard. This morning I was outside and heard what I thought was a jet making it’s way for LAX (Los Angeles International Airport). I live in Westlake Village, a suburb of Los Angeles, and it’s in the glide path for flights into LAX. What caught my attention was how loud the sound was. It actually shook the air. I looked around expecting to see a 747 unusually low making some attitude adjustment because the engines sounded wide open, but there was nothing there. Within 15 seconds the sound tailed off and was gone.
Two or three minutes later, I heard the exact same sound with the exact same intensity. I didn’t time it, but the rumble would last 15 to 20 seconds before subsiding. After the second time, I really focused in my thoughts and was reminded of a rocket engine test. We are about 15 miles from Teredyne’s Northridge facility, but I thought they quit their rocket engine test program years ago. I continued to hear what I now believe was a rocket engine going on and off 10 to 15 times. My neighbor heard it also, but he didn’t have any explanation either.
The sound I heard was not moving. It was just loud and shook the air. The direction of the sound, if I had to bet on it, was in the opposite direction of Teredyne. But sound does bounce.
I hope my relating my experience on this date now helps piece the puzzle together.”
12 – To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com
Re: Strange, Pulsing Jet Noises We’ve Heard Twice
Date: August 19, 2019, 3:26 PM Central, Lubbock, Texas

I was listening to Linda’s last YouTube live broadcast (August 14, 2019) and she was discussing strange “jet-like” sounds being heard all over the U.S. My husband and I heard this strange jet-like sound in Lubbock, Texas, approximately a month ago (mid-July 2019).
We live in the middle of town in Lubbock, Texas, and hearing commercial and passenger jets is nothing new for us to experience. We live about 7 miles from the Preston Smith Airport here in Lubbock. We have heard this jet-like sound twice. The first time was during dusk and the sound was so loud! It was cloudy in the sky, so we could not pinpoint where this sound was resonating from. But what made this incident so different from other jets is the sound had a pulsing “whoosh whoosh” sound to it. You could hear this object quickly cover the sky from East to West in a matter of seconds. Much faster than a conventional jet.
The second time was also near dusk, but this time the sky was clear. The noise was the same, “whoosh whoosh” pulsating, but yet a jet engine sound. This time we could not locate where the sound seemed to resonate from and we could not locate any object in the sky. The sound seemed to fill the sky with no direction to it. The sound just faded away and left us with more questions than answers.
I personally do not know what kind of aircraft this was, but if it was a conventional aircraft, it is something brand new that neither my husband nor I have ever experienced. I wanted to share this story with you, because I thought there might be a slight chance that someone else located in the Lubbock, Texas, area just might have contacted you about this strange, loud, pulsing jet noise.
Thank you for listening to my story and we greatly appreciate all you do, Linda! You and your team are one in a million!
West Texas Lady”
13 – To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com
Re: Jet like sounds in sky, but no visible craft
Date: August 19, 2019, 2:26 PM, Runaway Bay, Queensland, Australia
For this next report, we go down to the Southern Hemisphere to Queensland Australia, where about 535 miles north of Sydney is a place called Runaway Bay on the Coral Sea. On August 19, 2019, I received the email below the map:

“Hi Ms. Howe,
After just reading your Earthfiles reports about jet engine sounds with no visible craft on the West Coast of the USA, I thought I would share my own recent experience of the same kind.
I live in a high rise apartment with an unobstructed approx. 280-degree view of the sky. The address is in Runaway Bay, Queensland, Australia. On Saturday 10 August 2019, we heard a loud jet engine sound, which did not pass by as it should. After several minutes, we went onto the balcony, but could not see any planes or vehicles at all. Conditions were clear and cloudless. The jet-like sound was very loud and constant, as if a large commercial airliner were just hovering in the same spot. The volume and pitch remained constant for more than 10 minutes before suddenly stopping. The sound was distinctly coming from the sky, definitely not from the ground or nearby water. I’ve never heard this before or since, and it is both puzzling and fascinating! I hope this helps, but I want to be anonymous to the public. Thank you.”
14 – To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com
Re: Loud Aircraft Noise Lasting A Long Time At Night
Date: August 15, 2019, 2:36 PM Pacific, Mission Viejo, Calif.
“Hi Linda,
I am watching your live YouTube broadcast from 8/14/2020 and my attention was especially drawn to the part about the loud aircraft noises coming from the sky late at night over the Boeing employee’s home in Everett, Washington. I live in Mission Viejo, California (about 6 miles north of San Juan Capistrano) and have been hearing the same, loud jet engine noises at night. The noise usually happens between midnight and 1 a.m. and is loud enough to make one think that the craft is flying extremely low. You expect the noise to dissipate soon, as most aircraft noises do, but this noise does not and takes so long to go away it sounds like the craft is hovering directly over the neighborhood. It’s the long length of time AND loudness that makes this noise stand out from other aircraft noises and I can never see anything when I look out the window from my upstairs bedroom. Also, it also seems that the noise occurs during nights when we have a marine layer of cloud cover coming from the nearby coast. We have lived in this house since January of 2018 and I would say I’ve heard the noise at least once a month since we’ve been here. The nearest airbase was Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, however, it was decommissioned in 1999. I am curious to see if you get any other reports about this noise from my area and have only recently mentioned this to a few people because I thought they’d think I was exaggerating or imagining things.
I hope this email helps you with your investigation of this phenomenon and I look forward to hearing more of your excellent reporting on it in the future. Thank you for all you do and please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding this matter. Until then, I remain a faithful Earthfiles and Earthfiles Youtube subscriber and will be seeing your happy self in the conference circuit, as I have for many years.”
15 – To: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles.com
Re: Strange Jet Sound
Date: August 19, 2019, 3:37 PM Pacific, Sequim, Washington
“Hi Linda,
Today I was checking out your website, Earthfiles.com, when I came across your recent report about the mysterious jet sounds being heard, but no jet plane visible. Well, let me tell you about what I have been experiencing for several years now. I live on the Olympic Peninsula, Sequim, Washington, which is across from Whidby Island, WA. I have lived in this area most of my adult life. The first 45 years, I lived mostly in Port Angeles. I lived in the Sequim valley from March 2012 to June 2017.
It was during that 5 year period in Sequim that I heard “strange rumbling” sounds. This sound was very loud at times and would occur at various times of the day. It did not seem to matter if it was late evening or early morning. I could not determine the exact direction of where it was coming from. My back porch faced North toward Canada and Whidby Island was Northeast from my house. I had a great view of most of the Olympic Mt’s and towards Canada to the North. I never saw anything in the sky flying around that could explain the “rumbling” sounds. My husband also heard them and some friends that lived about 12 miles west of us also had heard them. I kinda did a process of elimination as to what was causing it, like I did not believe it was construction or trucks at a gravel pit, because the times I heard it there would not be any road construction going on and there is no gravel pit close to that house.
At the time I was living in the Sequim Valley, I saw many jet planes and other planes flying over on a daily basis because we lived in the flight path. But they were not the cause of the loud “jet noise” I also heard that was described in your Earthfiles article. During those strange, loud jet noises, I never saw an aircraft that could have been connected with that jet-like noise. It happened quite often, just like the loud “rumbling” sound happened. I always wondered where the strange sounds were coming from.
Two years ago in 2017, I moved out of the Sequim Valley and up to the foothills in an area that is called “Happy Valley.” I did notice that since moving up this way, I have heard the strange “jet noise” much more and as I am living up higher it seems a lot louder. It is exactly like described in your Earthfiles article. Like I can hear what seems to be a jet engine backing off as to be making a landing, yet when I look around in the sky above I would not see any plane visible. I would go out into an open area and still I would not see any plane. Sometimes I have heard this sound when I am walking out to our mailbox
( which is about 1/2 mile from our home). It is mostly out in the open and I have a great view of the Sequim Valley and over to Canada, but I still have not seen a plane associated with the sound. I wonder if there is some kind of “invisible” craft out flying around in the area.
I just wanted to let you know that this “high strangeness” is not limited to the Puget Sound area — that it is also happening over on the Olympic Peninsula. Thanks again, Linda, for all that you do to help get the Truth out there! From an avid listener.”
Strange Jet-like Sky Sounds, But No Planes?
“I took my high power laser pointer and shot it up in the direction of the unexplained loud jet sound. … On two separate occasions, I have seen the beam interrupted momentarily — It seems to me there is a real physical object moving through the air that is simply not visible.”
— Scientist in San Diego, California, who has heard loud jet noises in clear sky and two times flashed a powerful laser in direction of unexplained jet noise and saw the beam interrupted by something invisible
August 16, 2019 Albuquerque, New Mexico – On my Wednesday, August 14, 2019, Earthfiles YouTube Channel broadcast, I reported the following high strangeness from a current Boeing Company Production Facility employee in Everett, Washington. In the map immediately below, Boeing centers stretch over some 65 miles from Everett going south to Seattle and Bellevue’s Boeing Field operations. Then further south to the Auburn and Tacoma region’s Boeing Company Fabrication Division.
![The Boeing Company in 2017 ranked 24 in Forbes Fortune 500 list. designs, manufactures, and sells airplanes, rotorcraft, rockets, satellites, telecommunications equipment, and missiles worldwide. The company also provides leasing and product support services. Boeing is among the largest global aerospace manufacturers; it is the fifth-largest defense contractor in the world based on 2017 revenue,[4] and is the largest exporter in the United States by dollar value.](https://www.earthfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/JetSoundsWithoutPlanesBoeingEverettMAP-550x750.jpg)
Here is the Boeing employee email to me on August 14, 2019:
Then on August 16, 2019, I received the following email from a scientist in San Diego, California, 1,283 miles south of Everett, where he, too, has head strange, unexplained, loud jet-taking-off sounds when there were no visible aircraft.
FROM: S. O., Scientist in San Diego, California
TO: Linda Moulton Howe, Earthfiles
RE: Strange jet engine sounds in clear sky
Date: August 16, 2019
Hello Ms. Howe,
My name is Sean. I have followed your exemplary journalism for many years and would firstly like to thank you for the countless insights that I have gleaned from your work. Being a scientist I am always interested in unexplained phenomena.
I was listening to your August 14, 2019, Earthfiles YouTube broadcast this week in which you spoke about a Boeing employee in Everett, Washington, who had experienced a mysterious jet engine like noise without any craft or other mechanisms apparently present to cause the noise.
I wanted to relate for you my own experiences, which are quite similar. I live in San Diego directly in line with and below the approach flight path for SD international airport. On several occasions, occurring both during the day and at night — with no clouds or fog — I have heard what amounts to the the familiar sound of a large commercial plane on approach. The interesting thing is that there is no plane.
There is no plane that has just passed nor is there one close by on its way toward me. (I have the benefit of being able to see many miles to the east so sometimes I can see at least two aircraft in line on approach coming toward me.
Laser Beam Interrupted — Does That Mean Physical Object in Air That Is Not Visible?
I have one more detail which is that after experiencing this mysterious jet-like noise many times, I did a slightly childish and probably slightly illegal thing. I took my high power laser pointer and shot it up in the direction of the unexplained sound. The laser has a 5 mile range and projects quite far into the night sky. On two separate occasions, I have seen the beam interrupted momentarily — not reflected at all as far as I could tell though it was quite fast. It seems to me there is a real physical object moving through the air that is simply not visible.
Earthfiles would like to hear from others who have experienced the phenomenon of a loud, aerial jet sound, day or night, in which no physical aircraft that could explain the loud sound is visible. Please email: earthfiles@earthfiles.com. All requests for anonymity are honored.
Also see:
04-27-2019 – Singapore Residents Report Loud “Explosion-Like,” House-Shaking Sounds On Saturday
More Information:
04-26-2019 – More Mysterious Booms in Arkansas and Missouri.
02-01-2019 – Part 1: Gigantic Triangular Craft Took Two Campers in Devil’s Den State Park, Arkansas
12-18-2018 – Mysterious Explosions Persist in Phoenix and Glendale, Arizona. Listen to audio.
10-31-2018 – Eerie Bizarre Sound Recorded in Montreal October 30-31, 2018 – Listen to Looped Mp3 Here
08-04-2018 – Huge Mysterious Booms in Maryville, TN from July 30 – Aug. 4
11-29-2017 – Mysterious Metallic Wind Sound Wouldn’t Record On iPhone
10-26-2017 – More Mysterious Booms and Sky Flashes in North Carolina and Australia
09-17-2014 – Part 5: Dulce and Dropa Stones
09-12-2014 – Part 4: Dulce, LEONID and “Alien Weapon Determinant”
09-02-2014 – Part 3: Muroc Field Researchers Allegedly Found Eloah Grey Vast Underground Facility in 1940
08-31-2014 – Part 2: Is The Dulce ET Underground Lab Linked to ETs from Zeta Reticuli 1 and Sirius B?
09-23-2010 – Part 6: Beyond Aztec and Wright-Patterson – John Smith’s Sexual Encounter with Black-Haired Female
09-20-2010 – Part 5: Beyond Aztec and Wright-Patterson – John Smith’s Sexual Encounter with Black-Haired Female
09-15-2010 – Part 4: Beyond Aztec and Wright-Patterson – John Smith’s Dream Encounter with Blond Children
09-10-2010 – Part 3: Beyond Aztec and Wright-Patterson – John Smith’s Encounter with “Nordic” Non-Humans
08-17-2010 – Part 2: Aztec, New Mexico – Was Disc Taken to Building 828 in Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio?
08-13-2010 – Part 1: Aztec, New Mexico – Was Disc Taken to Building 828 in Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio?
10-22-2004 – 1948 Aztec, New Mexico UFO Crash: Policemen, Disk and Humanoids
04-17-2002 – Part 2 – Unidentified Aerial Craft Over Farmington and Aztec, New Mexico, Around Spring 1949
03-16-2002 – Part 1 – “Huge Saucer Armada” Shocked Farmington, New Mexico 52 Years Ago
06-13-2001 – Update on Mysterious Deep Water Sonar Images Off Western Cuba
04-09-2000 – Unidentified Discs Over Farmington, New Mexico On March 17, 1950
The Boeing Co., Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing
“Loud Noises, Vibrations Reported Across Singapore,” Saturday, April 27, 2019, The Straits Times: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/loud-noises-vibrations-reported-across-singapore
“Officials Are Silent As Unexplained Mystery Booms On the Rise Around the U. S.,” Mysterious Universe, February 7, 2019: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/02/officials-are-silent-as-unexplained-mystery-booms-on-the-rise-around-the-us/
“Mysterious Loud Booms Are Being Heard Around the World and No One Knows Why,” November 25, 2017, MNN.com: https://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/climate-weather/stories/mysterious-loud-booms-are-being-heard-around-world-and-no-one-knows-why
© 1998 - 2025 by Linda Moulton Howe.
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