Updated: Mysterious Green Crop Formation Emerges in U. K. Brown Harvested Field.

“This is absolutely breathtaking. May I inquire how the depressed image is green while the rest of the crops are yellow/brown? Its sooo amazing and beautiful!”
—  KarmaReCycled81, October 23, 2019, about remarkable fresh green crop growing in a circular formation on brown, bare, harvested field at Rodfield Lane, Tichborne, Hampshire, England.
“Originally the 27-triangles forming a cube pattern appeared near Tichborne, Hampshire, on the night of July 15-16, 2019, which was a 50% partial lunar eclipse.”
—  Horace Drew, Ph.D., retired geneticist, Sydney, Australia


Original wheat pattern appeared July 16, 2019, in Fulley Wood near Tichborne in the county of Hampshire, England, near the red Google map pointer at Rodfield Lane in the map below. That July 16, 2019, night there was a partial lunar eclipse – see below.

Updated  November 2, 2019  Rodfield Lane, Tichborne, Hampshire, U. K. – On October 23, 2019, U. K. videographer Nick Bull from Stonehenge Dronescapes reported on YouTube this drone video of a vivid green “ghost crop circle” that has mysteriously emerged in fresh-looking plants even though it’s the end of October. There are no crops in the fields, trees are turning colors and their leaves falling to the ground before winter snows.

The original wheat pattern appeared July 16, 2019, in Fulley Wood near Tichborne in the county of Hampshire, England, in the map below near the red Google map pointer at Rodfield Lane.
The first original version of this wheat pattern above appeared July 16, 2019, in Fulley Wood near Tichborne in the county of Hampshire, England. See Rodfield Lane map below a little southwest of Tichborne. Aerial image © 2019 by Steve Alexander.

The original wheat pattern appeared July 16, 2019, in Fulley Wood near Tichborne in the county of Hampshire, England. See map below near the red Google map pointer of Rodfield Lane. Retired Australian geneticist Horace Drew, Ph.D.,  wrote at the Cropcircleconnector:  “27-triangles forming a cube pattern appeared near Tichborne, Hampshire, on the night of July 15-16, 2019, which was a 50% partial lunar eclipse.”

Above photo of partially eclipsed moon by Ken Christison On the night of July 16-17, 2019, much of the world can watch a partial eclipse of the full moon. This will be the last time that the moon sweeps through the Earth’s dark umbral shadow until the total lunar eclipse on May 26, 2021.
Above photo of partially eclipsed moon on the night of July 16-17, 2019. This was the last time that the moon moved through the Earth’s dark umbral shadow until the upcoming total lunar eclipse on May 26, 2021. Image by Ken Christison.

Horace Drew continued:  “Might 9 ‘triangles’ within each of the 3 ‘faces’ of that ‘cube’ be meant to tell us how many more lunar and/or solar eclipses will take place before a significant event happens on Earth? There will be 9 lunar eclipses (excluding solar) from July 16, 2019 to November 8, 2022. Alternatively there will be 9 lunar and/or solar eclipses (combined) from July 16, 2019 to June 10, 2021.”

So How? Why? is this beautiful crop pattern emerging again on the bare fall earth of the same field yet again as if it were spring?

Rodfield Lane, Hampshire, U. K., is only 6 miles straight east of Winchester, where one of the first big cycles of crop formations began in the 1970s.
Rodfield Lane, Hampshire, U. K., is only 6 miles straight east of Winchester, where one of the first big cycles of crop formations began in the 1970s.
Nearly half of all crop circles found in the U.K. in 2003 were located within a 9 mile (15 km) radius of the Avebury stone circles, Europe's largest and one of the most complex Neolithic stone circles from 2850 B. C., at least 4,800 years old.
Nearly half of all crop circles found in the U.K. in 2003 were located within a 9 mile (15 km) radius of the Avebury stone circles. Avebury is Europe’s largest and one of the most complex Neolithic stone circles, dating from 2850 B. C., at least 4,800 years old. Avebury is about 50 miles northwest of Winchester.


What Are “Ghost Crop Circles”?

I began investigating crop formations on location in England back in 1992. I loved walking through the gorgeous crop fields, dragging my fingers over the seed heads of wheat or barley or oilseed rape.

Linda Moulton Howe investigating crop formations in England in 1999.
Linda Moulton Howe investigating crop formations in England in 1999, when biophysicist W. C. Levengood was confirming affected crops showed evidence of interaction with a spinning microwave plasma of unknown origin. Image © 1999 by Earthfiles.com.

Once in awhile when spring returned, I would be surprised to see that an exact pattern that had been in the field the summer before would leave a pale trace in the same field the following year. That’s why they were called “ghost” patterns.

Yatesbury, Wiltshire, England second season "ghost" crop formation emerged in yellow, blooming canola/rapeseed oil crop in 2002. Images © 2002 by Peter Sorensen.
Yatesbury, Wiltshire, England: second season “ghost” crop formation echo of 2001 pattern emerged in yellow, blooming canola/rapeseed oil plants in 2002. Images © 2002 by Peter Sorensen.

But never have I seen before a beautiful, rich green pattern of new crops rising out of a barren fall/ winter field — until Nick Bull and his drone camera captured this beautiful, mysterious, fresh green pattern on October 23rd. If anyone watching tonight has any information about how this spring pattern of fresh, growing crop could happen in a fall field, please email me at: earthfiles@earthfiles.com.

I also want to thank my longtime dear friend, Gill Nicholas, in Devizes, England, for sending me the beautiful drone video. Gill and I have walked miles in crop formations since 1992 and felt odd presences in some fields and seen mysterious lights in others.

Over the 1989 to 1999 decade, there were more than 2,000 formations reported worldwide. By the summer of 1999, researchers and European residents who have followed the mystery for several years were speculating more about other dimensions, parallel universes and time travelers. But why would crop fields be the medium? And why so widespread in England, France, the Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Japan, Australia, the United States, Canada, Russia, Peru and other countries?

Who? How? Why? are questions that provoke any mind that has seriously studied the formations, their repetivie geometries and fractal themes, the biochemical and biophysical changes not found in known hoaxes that include heating by microwave energies; increased vigor and accelerated growth in some plants, less vigor and retarded growth in others; magnetic anomalies in soils; and disturbances in cameras, tape recorders and batteries that cause equipment to stop operating.

What are the mysterious lights and glowing spheres seen so often around crop formations? Why are their physical and chemical changes in affected plants and soil? Biophysicist W. C. Levengood studied hundreds of plant and soil samples and reported there was evidence that spinning plasma vortices had interacted with the crop.

What unknown trigger released them? Could low-energy plasmas with microwave frequencies produce the physical impacts on soil and plants and leave images of mysterious lights and glowing spheres on videotapes and photographs? Are the mysterious lights an unidentified natural phenomenon? Or supervised by an advanced intelligence, which humans have yet to encounter?

Could the lights be connected to the same ancient intelligence, which inspired other marks around the world in ziggurats, pyramids, mounds and stone circles?

Also see:

07-07-2018 – Intricate Pentagon Crop Formation in Wiltshire, England

More Information:

08-02-2019 – 7 Mysterious Balls of Light Changing Patterns Above Alton Barnes, U.K., Recorded by Astonished French High School Teacher.
07-07-2018 – Intricate Pentagon Crop Formation in Wiltshire, England
07-06-2016 – Flower of Life and Egg of Life in Hampshire, U. K. Crop Formations
12-18-2015 – Middle Eastern Mystery: Thousands of Odd Pre-Historic Stone Patterns
11-20-2015 – NASA Now Helping to Photograph Mysterious, Large Geoglyphs in Northern Kazakhstan
08-28-2015 – Two Spinning “Tornadoes” in U. K. Rose Wheat Formation
07-26-2013 – Part 1:  The Ridgeway Overton 9 Rings – Diatonic Scale and Einsteinian Physics
11-07-2012 – Crop Circle Schematic of Photon Wave-Particle Duality?
08-31-2012 – Two 2012 U. K. Crop Formations of High Strangeness


Stonehenge Dronescapes:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxkrk1mvcIZkE01cSvNh0UA

CropCircleConnector U.K.:  http://cropcircleconnector.com/2019/2019.html

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