Part 1: High Strangeness Files about EBENs

“Our government's greatest concern is who walks around
on this planet looking human and is not.”

 - U.S. Military Source    

Left and center: Two variations on EBEN “Trilateral Insignia” seen on craft and sketched by eyewitnesses. One military source said, “Take the middle vertical line out and it will be correct.” Right: Symbol associated with blond-haired humanoids and said to mean “the merging of two worlds.”
Left and center: Two variations on EBEN “Trilateral Insignia” seen on craft and sketched by eyewitnesses. One military source said, “Take the middle vertical line out and it will be correct.” Right: Symbol associated with blond-haired humanoids and said to mean “the merging of two worlds.”

Reposted November 9, 2018 – April 1, 2009  Albuquerque, New Mexico -   The content that unfolds in this series of Real X-Files is a summary of my raw file notes between 1983 and 1989 from many sources that have given me similar, and sometimes contradictory, information about the complex and confusing nature of extraterrestrial biological entities, EBENs - an acronym generally used to describe a grey-skinned, four-finger type with large, black eyes or black eye covers.


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