“Are we about to experience a severe natural disaster?”
- Resident, Rogue Valley, Oregon on March 19, 2018
March 21, 2018 UPDATE from Earthfiles Viewer:
March 21, 2018
We live in Coos Bay, Oregon, on the coast. We usually have LOTS of hummingbirds, 7 - 10, that will all feed at the same time. We have four feeders outside of our house. There hasn't been even one hummingbird in the past week. Yesterday we took the feeders down, cleaned them out and made fresh food. Nothing. Not one hummingbird.
So, your article was timely and interesting.
Thank you, Linda, for Earthfiles.
Kindest regards
Coos Bay resident
March 19, 2018 Rogue Valley, Oregon - Earthfiles has been receiving worried emails from viewers and listeners who sense that something is significantly wrong in a number of American communities — ranging from absence of insects and pollinators to missing birds. This morning I received the following email from a man who has lived in southwestern Oregon's Rogue Valley eleven miles north of Medford for 30 years. What he describes in his email are such striking changes around him that he now wonders if a large seismic event is about to happen and the birds at least know in advance.
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