Part 3: President Richard Nixon’s Secret Meetings with Covert Huston Plan Agent Robert Merritt

“A process has now begun where the National Archives has been sent a letter by Douglas Caddy, who's still an attorney. The letter states the conditions that Merritt will give them the directions to the time capsule at the White House under two conditions — that they will read the letter aloud as soon as it's discovered, and that they will distribute it to the public shortly thereafter.”

- Daniel Liszt, Producer and Reporter, Dark

Return to Part 1.

March 2, 2018 Cambridge, Massachusetts - On February 9, 2018, attorney Douglas Caddy — who helped E. Howard Hunt after the June 1972 Watergate break-in and is now trying to help Robert Merritt now — sent a letter to The Archivist of the United States, Mr. David S. Ferriero, at The National Archives and Records Administration in college Park, Maryland. The subject listed is: Secret “Message to the American People” written by President Richard M. Nixon for posterity that he left hidden inside the White House.

Douglas Caddy explains in the letter that he is “co-author with Confidential Government Informant Robert Merritt of the book, Watergate Exposed: How the President of the United States and the Watergate Burglars Were Set Up, published in 2011.

Caddy further writes: “A number of documents from the Watergate Special Prosecutor that the National Archives released to Mr. Merritt in 2010 are reproduced in our book, a copy of which is enclosed. Those documents are concerned with Mr. Merritt and with me as the original attorney for the Watergate seven burglars — including Merritt's role as the sole employee of the secret Huston Plan that was run out of President Nixon's White House. When White House Counsel John Dean was fired by President Nixon in April 1973, he took the only 31-page written copy of the Huston Plan with him and deposited it with Chief Judge John Sirica. This explosive document has been under court seal ever since, immune from being subpoenaed by any outside source.”

Then attorney Caddy explains to the Archivist about President Nixon's time capsule letter that he hid “at a location inside the White House ... and disclosed the location to Mr. Merritt with the stipulation that Mr. Merritt could reveal it at some future time if he deemed circumstances merited it. Both Mr. Merritt and I know of its location. We believe the time has come for its disclosure and for it to be placed in the National Archives of the United States. ... The only conditions that we impose if the document is discovered is that it immediately be read aloud to those present and that copies be made of it and distributed immediately to the public media and to those present after which the National Archives would take permanent possession of President Nixon's document.” Here now, Daniel Liszt continues.


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