— “It seems apparent that Dr. Vannevar Bush began examining the craft
(Cape Girardeau 1941 UFO crash) and found an atomic propulsion system, neutronic in nature, and thought we could possibly apply this to our atomic bomb program.”— “FDR's secretary recorded in her diary at that time (1944 South Carolina) her great surprise that the President asked seriously that a loaded handgun be brought to him.”
- Paul Blake Smith, author, MO41 - The Bombshell Before Roswell
Return to Part 1.
February 26, 2016 Springfield, Missouri - “Franklin D. Roosevelt was going to win the election of 1944. That much was certain. FDR was an icon: victor over the Depression, champion of the middle class, stalwart leader against the Axis powers in World War II. ... FDR 'was crumbling and there was nothing 1940s medical technology could do for him,” wrote John Stanchak in his 2012 article, “Truman: FDR's Exit Plan.”
“FDR pressured younger, robustly healthy Senator Harry S. Truman of Missouri to be his running mate ... and it took a phone call from FDR on the eve of the Democratic convention to change Truman's mind” to resist FDR's request and become FDR's Vice President in that 1944 election, FDR's fourth term as U. S. President. Author Paul Smith thinks behind the scenes FDR wanted Truman because they both knew the great secrets of extraterrestrial beings and craft and were both Freemasons.
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