— “The worst case is the rapid loss of species. But what is really unusual
about this extinction event is that the climate is changing anywhere between 10 and a 100 times faster than even the previous extinction events.”
- Chris Langdon, Ph.D., Marine Biologist, Univ. of Miami
— “The science is sobering—the global temperature in 2012 was among
the hottest since records began in 1880. Make no mistake: without concerted action, the very future of our planet is in peril.”
- Christine Lagarde, Managing Dir., International Monetary Fund
— “There's good reason to believe southern Florida will eventually have to be evacuated.”
- Ben Strauss, COO of Climate Central, Florida
August 28, 2014 Miami, Florida - On August 19, 2014, five climate scientists warned Florida Governor Rick Scott that a major threat to Florida's future is the steadily rising ocean as carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases build up in the Earth's atmosphere like a warming blanket. Florida State University Prof. Jeff Chanton told Governor Scott that as the ocean expands with warmer water and polar caps keep melting, southern Florida's barrier islands to Lake Okeechobee are going to go under water. “That's a seriously different world,” Prof. Chanton said. “It's going to be a different planet for our children.”
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