Large Orange Disc Cuts Tall Pines Into Circle and Drops Cow

“I think the orange disc dropped the cow in the tree!”

- Pam Conley, retired registered nurse, Florence, So. Carolina

Large orange glowing disc with dark portholes around the middle tilted back and forth (that's why 3 positions above) at the top of tall pine trees while a  vertical line of evenly spaced bright lights remained stationary over cow  pasture. A large cow was later found dead in the top of one of those  40-foot-high pines. Illustration © 2014 by Pam Conley.
Large orange glowing disc with dark portholes around the middle tilted back and forth (that's why 3 positions above) at the top of tall pine trees while a vertical line of evenly spaced bright lights remained stationary over cow pasture. A large cow was later found dead in the top of one of those 40-foot-high pines. Illustration © 2014 by Pam Conley.

March 28, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - One of my first exposures to the presence of silver or orange glowing discs linked to mutilated animals or carcasses found hanging from tree branches was my interview with Washington State's Snohomish County Sheriff's Deputy Jerry Phillips about his firsthand investigations of Sasquatch, UFOs and animal mutilations in 1977. He told me there were dozens of unusual, bloodless animal deaths in the Snohomish area similar to the several thousand animal mutilation cases reported worldwide since at least the 1960s, and probably decades before.


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