More Loud, Mysterious Booms in Kentucky and Illinois

“How do booms a mile away suddenly move over my house
and we didn't see anything in the sky?”

- Jon Stewart, Deerfield, Illinois

323 miles from Deerfield, Ill. near Lake Michigan (Google pointer) southeast to Louisville, Ky.
323 miles from Deerfield, Ill. near Lake Michigan (Google pointer) southeast to Louisville, Ky.

November 22, 2013 Louisville, Kentucky, and Deerfield, Illinois - Since January 2011, my news website has received reports from all over the United States about loud boom sounds that often shake — even crack — walls, windows and garage doors, sometimes associated with bright flashes of white light in clear, calm skies - no thunder, no lightning. Everyone who hears the loud, short booms say they are definitely not sonic booms from normal aircraft breaking the sound barrier. Some earwitnesses think the booms come from above ground or from the sky. Others such as the Mayor of Clintonville, Wisconsin, experience having the bottoms of their feet hit by a painful percussion wave from something underground — even when the U.S. Geological Survey has no record of seismic activity and local civil authorities say there is no underground fracking or mining or construction to explain the phenomenon.


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