Update September 4, 2013: Japanese Government Will Spend $470 Million On Underground Ice Wall by March 2015, to Stop Radioactive Leaks. TEPCO’s Leaking Storage Tanks Still Out of Control.

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The Japanese government in Tokyo announced on Tuesday, September 3, 2013, that it will spend $470 million on an underground "ice wall" to try to stop the chronically leaking, highly radioactive waste water in its thousand containment tanks shown at the center of the Google image at left. The four damaged nuclear reactors are at the top of the aerial image and the proposed ice wall is the orange rectangle around the reactors close to the Pacific Ocean. Illustration by TEPCO.
The Japanese government in Tokyo announced on Tuesday, September 3, 2013, that it will spend $470 million on an underground "ice wall" to try to stop the chronically leaking, highly radioactive waste water in its thousand containment tanks shown at the center of the Google image at left. The four damaged nuclear reactors are at the top of the aerial image and the proposed ice wall is the orange rectangle around the reactors close to the Pacific Ocean. Illustration by TEPCO.

The ice wall containment method has never been used on such a scale before. The ice wall would freeze the ground to a depth of some 90 feet (27 meters) through a system of pipes designed to carry a coolant between minus 20 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. The U. S. Department of Energy's former site at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee used an ice wall to contain plutonium waste, but only for six years. Building a nearly mile long ice wall around four nuclear reactor buildings is unprecedented.


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