Part 3:  Couple Lifted in Car by Beam of Cerulean Blue Light

“Smells like a launch control tower. It's like an electronics odor, like an LCC - strange odor, sort of like ozone.”

- Longmont, Colorado resident and retired military

Cerulean blue.
Cerulean blue.

Return to Part 1.

May 29, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Continuing in Part 3 with Gary Thompson's first and second hypnosis sessions with Richard Sigismund on August 25 and September 1, 1981, in Boulder, Colorado.


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Unprecedented Die-Off of Leopard Sharks in Redwood City, Calif. Bay Area

“The one thing that we do know is that the leopard sharks
are washing up dead in record numbers.”

- Sean Van Sommeran, Exec. Dir., Pelagic Shark Research Foundation

Dead leopard shark washed up on Coyote Point beach east of Burlingame, California. One of “an unprecedented leopard shark die-off in Redwood City, Foster City, Coyote Point and Richardson Bay” during the first five months of 2011, according to the Pelagic Shark Research Foundation. Image courtesy PSRF.
Dead leopard shark washed up on Coyote Point beach east of Burlingame, California. One of “an unprecedented leopard shark die-off in Redwood City, Foster City, Coyote Point and Richardson Bay” during the first five months of 2011, according to the Pelagic Shark Research Foundation. Image courtesy PSRF.


May 27, 2011  Capitola, California - In April 2011, the California Fish and Game Department and the Pelagic Shark Research Foundation (PSRF) in Santa Cruz and Capitola, California, started getting phone calls about dead leopard sharks washed up on beaches. As reports increased, there seemed to be a pattern of the most deaths occurring in the San Francisco Bay regions of Redwood City, Foster City, Coyote Point, and Richardson Bay on the north side of Sausalito. The California Department of Fish and Game toxicology lab has done some necropsies on the shark bodies and discovered hemorrhaging around the internal organs and inflammation and lesions in the leopard shark brains. But so far no one understands what is killing the sharks.


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Couple Lifted in Car by Beam of Cerulean Blue Light Talk for First Time

Cerulean blue.
Cerulean blue.

May 27, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - A beam technology that can pick up plants, animals and humans - even pick up a moving car containing people - has been described for decades. One experiencer of such a beam was Jim Sparks who says he was conscious most of the time when a vibration in his bedroom at night would raise him in the air, through the ceiling and roof, up above his house and into a craft where he was forced to interact with non-human entities and computer-like machines with screens that taught him alien equivalents to Jim's American English alphabet and numbers. That high strangeness began for Jim Sparks in 1986 and lasted for at least six years while he worked in North Carolina real estate development. See More Information at end of this report.


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Part 2:  Couple Lifted in Car by Beam of Cerulean Blue Light

“It's like They're picking my mind ... like I don't have any control - my brain ... it's like there's a tunnel that goes through my mind to Theirs.”

- Longmont, Colorado resident

Cerulean blue.
Cerulean blue.

Return to Part 1.

May 20, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Continuing in Part 2 with Gary Thompson's first interview with Richard Sigismund on July 30, 1981, Boulder, Colorado, followed by the first hypnosis session with Gary without Irene present a month later on August 25, 1981.


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Reprint Part 2:  Yatesbury, England and Madisonville, Tennessee – A Mayan Link?

Left:  Yatesbury Field, Wiltshire, England, reported May 30, 2007, fifty-seven swirled barley circles in large spiral about 300 feet in diameter. Right: Madisonville, Tennessee, wheat pattern about 170 feet in diameter with crop laid down in counterclockwise circles discovered from airplane on May 15, 2007. U.K. aerial image © 2007 by Lucy Pringle. Tennessee aerial  © 2007 by Mark Boring, Co-owner and Editor, Monroe County Buzz.
Left: Yatesbury Field, Wiltshire, England, reported May 30, 2007, fifty-seven swirled barley circles in large spiral about 300 feet in diameter. Right: Madisonville, Tennessee, wheat pattern about 170 feet in diameter with crop laid down in counterclockwise circles discovered from airplane on May 15, 2007. U.K. aerial image © 2007 by Lucy Pringle. Tennessee aerial © 2007 by Mark Boring, Co-owner and Editor, Monroe County Buzz.
Madisonville, Tennessee (red circle) is 45 miles (72 km) southwest of Knoxville.
Madisonville, Tennessee (red circle) is 45 miles (72 km) southwest of Knoxville.

Also see Archived Part 1: Yatesbury Spiral - Viewer Comments on Spiral Math

Reprint May 17, 2011 the original Earthfiles June 6, 2007  Yatesbury Field, Wiltshire, England - Two crop formations an ocean apart - one in English barley near the ancient and sacred ground of Avebury Trusloe on Yatesbury Field; the other in a Madisonville, Tennessee, wheat field not far from the historic Cherokee Indian capital of Chota and even more ancient 9,500-year-old Icehouse Bottom. The English pattern has fifty-seven circles threaded on a thin, 4-inch-diameter spiral. The Tennessee pattern has nine circles with a triangular "pointer" in the middle standing circle that aims west in the opposite direction from Chota.


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Part 1:  Couple Lifted in Car by Beam of Cerulean Blue Light

“Then a light of some sort, a cerulean blue light, locked on to my station wagon. It had kind of a bull whip noise to it, like a whish, whish, whish sound.”

- Longmont, Colorado resident

May 15, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - A beam technology that can pick up plants, animals and humans - even pick up a moving car containing people - has been described for decades. One experiencer of such a beam was Jim Sparks who says he was conscious most of the time when a vibration in his bedroom at night would raise him in the air, through the ceiling and roof, up above his house and into a craft where he was forced to interact with non-human entities and computer-like machines with screens that taught him alien equivalents to Jim's American English alphabet and numbers. That high strangeness began for Jim Sparks in 1986 and lasted for at least six years while he worked in North Carolina real estate development. See More Information at end of this report.


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More Viewer Letters About Mysterious Booms

“The sound I heard started with a massive whooshing sound, as if a huge jet was passing overhead at low altitude. Then next, I heard two very loud BOOMS.”

- Huntsville, Alabama resident April 27, 2011

May 13, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - After filing the previous Earthfiles report on May 11, 2011, about the loud and mysterious booms heard Tuesday evening, May 10, 2011, by Virginia residents in Suffolk, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake and Virginia Beach, I have received more emails about recent unusual booms. I have also looked at some history about unexplained booming sounds summarized below the emails, including a White House investigation in December 1977.


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Updated Reprints: Earthfiles Viewers Reports of Strange, Loud Booms

Update May 11, 2011 - Between 7 to 7:30 PM Eastern on Tuesday evening, May 10, 2011, Virginia residents in Suffolk, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake and Virginia Beach, called media and local authorities to report a loud, long boom sound that shook houses. The USGS said there was no seismic activity; an Oceana Naval Air Station spokesperson in Virginia Beach said a sonic boom created at ONAS could not be heard as far away as Suffolk to the west; a NASA spokesperson reported there was no rocket activity at the Wallops Island facility; and the National Weather Service confirmed there was no severe weather anywhere in the region at the time.

NASA's Wallop Island is upper red circle. NASA said there were no launches Tuesday evening. The loud booming sound was heard from Suffolk to Chesapeake, Norfolk and Virginia Beach between 7 - 7:30 PM Eastern on Tuesday, May 10, 2011.
NASA's Wallop Island is upper red circle. NASA said there were no launches Tuesday evening. The loud booming sound was heard from Suffolk to Chesapeake, Norfolk and Virginia Beach between 7 - 7:30 PM Eastern on Tuesday, May 10, 2011.


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Part 11: Private Detective’s Encounters with Non-Humans

“The phrase ‘Lazarus Effect’ makes sense if a specific piece
of genetic code is totally extracted from an organism to force re-growth,
or ‘resurrection,’ of a desired trait and then that genetically manipulated
organism is placed into a controlled environment to nurture that desired change.”

- “Joshua Rhinehall,” Pvt. Investigator, Northwest

The Raising of Lazarus (after Rembrandt) by Vincent Van Gogh 1889 -1890.
The Raising of Lazarus (after Rembrandt) by Vincent Van Gogh 1889 -1890.
“- a) Timeline that is chosen for genetic change. - b) 22.5 degrees radius from point of origin. Genetic altering can only be done within the zone.  - c-d) Genetic material can be taken from one timeline to the other without  disruption to either timeline. - e) Is the end goal of the entities genetic program. There is a unique spiritual/soul connection with all genetic/DNA material that is harvested from the specific source. When the DNA material is used for cloning/hybrid - the soul/spirit of source material can connect with the clone or hybrid -  like tuning in a radio. The connection of the source to the clone can come across as a vision or lucid dream. It will be as if you are looking and living through another's eyes.”
- a) Timeline that is chosen for genetic change.
- b) 22.5 degrees radius from point of origin. Genetic altering can only be done within the zone
- c-d) Genetic material can be taken from one timeline to the other without disruption to either timeline.
- e) Is the end goal of the entities genetic program. There is a unique spiritual/soul connection with all genetic/DNA material that is harvested from the specific source. When the DNA material is used for cloning/hybrid - the soul/spirit of source material can connect with the clone or hybrid - like tuning in a radio. The connection of the source to the clone can come across as a vision or lucid dream. It will be as if you are looking and living through another's eyes.”

Return to Part 1.

May 5, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - After I posted my ongoing Earthfiles interview with Joshua Rhinehall in Part 10 on March 14, 2011, Joshua told me about a fascinating dream he had five nights later concerning a genetic discovery called the “Lazarus Effect.” Then he emailed a series of insights into May 2011.


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