Emails from A Time Traveler?

“Ufos are from a future here, and a future human race ... they are us.”

- Email from time traveler?

“There are actually several solutions of Einstein’s equations that allow for travel to the past and future through time and travel through space.”

  - Michio Kaku, Ph.D., Theoretical String Theory Physicist

If wormholes could be discovered, they might allow us to travel through hyperspace to the past as well as the future.
If wormholes could be discovered, they might allow us to travel through hyperspace to the past as well as the future.

November  6, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - For Earthfiles, this year of 2011 has brought more information from people in the human abduction syndrome about time travel than any time since Earthfiles began in 1999. Several communications to Earthfiles have concerned non-human intelligences using time lines and other dimensions to manipulate events in matter worlds while a Divine Field monitors what is allowable to do with life.

Please see:  12-part series “Private Detective's Encounters with Non-Humans.”


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Part 7:  U. S. Government Knowledge of “Interplanetary” Craft, 1942 – 2011

TOP SECRET, AUTH: AC of S, G-2, INIT:  c, DATE:  04 July 1947; Sq IPU (Interplanetary Unit); FO 862; 040300A JUL 47. Interplanetary Unit's one-page order directs a team to depart Andrews AAF, Washington, D. C., to proceed to Condron Field, N. M. (Roswell Army Air Field) and make contact with the officer in charge (OIC) of 4th Army Counter Intelligence Corps. (CIC) to take a counter intelligence team cleared on a “need to know” basis to what is presumed to be an unidentified aerial craft crash site and report to the G2 (intelligence) at Condron Field/ Roswell AAF. OIC is to take personnel that include a non-commissioned OIC (NCOIC), an aeronautical engineer, a scientist, a security officer and a medical doctor, and to provide a report byJuly 28, 1947.
TOP SECRET, AUTH: AC of S, G-2, INIT:  c, DATE:  04 July 1947; Sq IPU (Interplanetary Unit); FO 862; 040300A JUL 47. Interplanetary Unit's one-page order directs a team to depart Andrews AAF, Washington, D. C., to proceed to Condron Field, N. M. (Roswell Army Air Field) and make contact with the officer in charge (OIC) of 4th Army Counter Intelligence Corps. (CIC) to take a counter intelligence team cleared on a “need to know” basis to what is presumed to be an unidentified aerial craft crash site and report to the G2 (intelligence) at Condron Field/ Roswell AAF. OIC is to take personnel that include a non-commissioned OIC (NCOIC), an aeronautical engineer, a scientist, a security officer and a medical doctor, and to provide a report by July 28, 1947.

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November 2, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - One of the longest documents leaked about “Examination of Unidentified Disc-like Aircraft” in New Mexico was a self-described “Preliminary Report” dated September 19, 1947, MAJIC EYES ONLY, from the Central Intelligence Group in Washington, D. C., headed by U. S. Navy Rear Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter. Here the MAJIC acronym is defined in the addressee's title: MILITARY ASSESSMENT OF THE JOINT INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE, MAJIC.


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More Mysterious Hum Reports from North America to China

“The house began to ‘vibrate.’ ... the hum got louder and even had a bit of a pulse to it.”

- Waterloo, Iowa resident


Loud pulsing “hum” of two diamond-shaped aerial objects above the Hebei Luannan Power Plant inside Luannan County, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, China. The smaller diamond-craft is orbiting the larger diamond-craft. Click video posted at YouTube on September 9, 2011.
Loud pulsing “hum” of two diamond-shaped aerial objects above the Hebei Luannan Power Plant inside Luannan County, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, China. The smaller diamond-craft is orbiting the larger diamond-craft.
Click video posted at YouTube on September 9, 2011
Coal-fired power plant in Luannan County, Tangshan City (right red circle), Hebei Province, China about 125 miles (220 km) east of Beijing (upper left red circle). Operator: Peak Pacific. Configuration: 2 X 50 Megawatt CHP that went into commercial operation in 2000 with power sales to North China Power Group.
Coal-fired power plant in Luannan County, Tangshan City (right red circle), Hebei Province, China about 125 miles (220 km) east of Beijing (upper left red circle). Operator: Peak Pacific. Configuration: 2 X 50 Megawatt CHP that went into commercial operation in 2000 with power sales to North China Power Group.
 Hebei Luannan Power Plant inside Luannan County, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, China. 2005 photograph courtesy of  Peak Pacific (China) Investment Ltd.
Hebei Luannan Power Plant inside Luannan County, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, China. 2005 photograph courtesy of  Peak Pacific (China) Investment Ltd.

October 27, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - Since my September 29, 2011, Coast to Coast AM radio news update and October 4, 2011, Earthfiles report about strange humming sounds in Windsor, Ontario; Auckland, New Zealand; Taos, New Mexico; Zug Island, Michigan; and Woodland, Durham County, England, I have received dozens of other humming reports from people around the planet. Also see:  October 4, 2011 Earthfiles “What Are Strange ‘Hums’ That Keep People Awake?”


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Unidentified Orange Spheres, Discs and Entity Encounter in Kansas City, Missouri, Since April 2011

“The retired Kansas City police detective said that he would be
a laughing stock if he told anyone about the entity in his backyard.”

- Margie Kay, Asst. State Dir., Missouri MUFON


Left:  Unusual glowing, 3-D “insect”-shaped aerial object photographed October 3-4, 2011,  over Kansas City, Missouri.  Right: One of hundreds of “projected 3-D” glowing,  aerial images videotaped by David Caron above Stephenville, Texas, between 10:10 and 10:22 PM Central on January 19, 2008.
Left: Unusual glowing, 3-D “insect”-shaped aerial object photographed October 3-4, 2011, over Kansas City, Missouri. Right: One of hundreds of “projected 3-D” glowing, aerial images videotaped by David Caron above Stephenville, Texas, between 10:10 and 10:22 PM Central on January 19, 2008.

October 12, 2011 Independence, Missouri  - Margie Kay, 54, was born in Kansas City, Missouri, grew up there and earned a B. A. in Business from the University of Missouri-Kansas City, and an M. A. in Technical Writing in 2000 from Harrington College. She now owns an Independence, Missouri, company east of Kansas City that specializes in the cause and origin of fires. She is also interested in the mystery of unidentified aerial objects in Missouri skies and is a member of the Mutual UFO Network and serves as Assistant State Director for Missouri MUFON focused on phenomena in Kansas City.


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Part 5:  U. S. Government Knowledge of “Interplanetary” Craft, 1942 – 2011

“It is the collective view of this investigative body, that the aircraft recovered by the Army and Air Force units near Victorio Peak and Socorro, New Mexico, are not of U. S. manufacture.”

- Lt. General Nathan Twining, Commander,
Air Materiel Command, Wright Field, Ohio, July 1947


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October  5, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - In 1993, Robert Wood, Ph.D., retired from his management work at McDonnell Douglas Corporation, a large aerospace company where he had worked since 1953. That was the year he received his Ph.D. in Physics at Cornell University where his focus was theoretical physics and aeronautical engineering. Immediately after graduation, he began working for McDonnell Aircraft Corporation in Maryland, but was drafted into the U. S. Army for two years and was assigned to Aberdeen Proving Ground northeast of Baltimore. For the Army, Bob analyzed the boundary layers of ballistic shells. After completing his draft service, he left as a corporal and returned to McDonnell Aircraft, which on April 28, 1967, merged with Douglas Aircraft to become McDonnell Douglas Corporation.


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Updated: What Are Strange “Hums” That Keep People Awake?

“In the middle

of the night about 1 AM, the bass humming sound
started up and I actually had to leave the house to investigate.”

-  Gary Grosse, IT Administrator and Founder, Windsor/Essex
County Hum Facebook Group, Windsor, Ontario


Updated Oct. 4, 2011 about September 29, 2011 meeting, see at end of report: September 30, 2011  Windsor, Ontario, Canada and Zug Island, Michigan - The Bristol, U. K.“hum” was the first to make international news in 1979, after nearly a thousand residents told the London Sunday Mirror they were bothered by a low volume, low frequency humming noise that kept them awake at night. Theories ranged from M32 freeway traffic and factories in Avonmouth to microwave transmissions or power station transformers and underground government secret research stations. The Sneyd Park County Council even sent a team of environmental health officers out thirty different times to various parts of Bristol trying to find the strange humming source. But they could not find the sound before it mysteriously vanished.


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Part 6:  U. S. Government Knowledge of “Interplanetary” Craft, 1942 – 2011

“On 7 July 1947, Lt. General Nathan Twining arrived at Alamogordo AAF for a secret meeting with AAF Chief of Staff Spaatz and to view recovered remains of craft from LZ-2 (Trinity site).”

- War Department TOP SECRET Interplanetary Unit
Memorandum dated July 22, 1947


“The most disturbing aspect of this investigation was - there were other bodies found not far from LZ-1 that looked as if they had been dissected as you would a frog. It is not known if army field surgeons had performed exploratory surgery on these bodies. Animal parts were reportedly discovered inside the craft at LZ-2 but this cannot be confirmed.”

- July 22, 1947, War Department IPU Memorandum


 Interplanetary Unit War Department Office TOP SECRET Memorandum dated July 22, 1947, describes three UFO crash/retrieval sites referred to as LZ  (Landing Zone) 1 near Corona; 2 at Trinity Site WSPG; and 3 on Mescalaro Apache Reservation, occurring between July 4 and 6, 1947. Approximate locations are shown on this map.
Interplanetary Unit War Department Office TOP SECRET Memorandum dated July 22, 1947, describes three UFO crash/retrieval sites referred to as LZ  (Landing Zone) 1 near Corona; 2 at Trinity Site WSPG; and 3 on Mescalaro Apache Reservation, occurring between July 4 and 6, 1947. Approximate locations are shown on this map.


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October  9, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico - People often ask me what is the strongest document evidence I've seen that the U. S. has retrieved several non-terrestrial craft and non-human entities in Roswell and beyond. My answer is the Project Aquarius document in previous Part 4  and this Part 6 War Department TOP SECRET ULTRA Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit (IPU) Summary Intelligence Assessment dated July 22, 1947.


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More Bizarre Cat Mutilations Near Vancouver, B. C., Canada

“Forensics in animal investigations are not a clear situation.  They are challenging cases. Of course, they are taken seriously. But the reality is, if we have no witnesses, it is very challenging to pursue cases like these.”

-Marcie Moriarty, Gen. Mgr., Cruelty Investigations, B. C. SPCA


October  3, 2011  Maple Ridge and Vancouver, B. C., Canada - In 1992 to 1993, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, had a rash of cats found cut in half - usually the front half was found on the owner's lawn. The Supervisor of Animal Control for the Vancouver City Pound told reporters,“The cats are clearly being butchered by someone. It's a real surgical job. And all I hope is that these cats were already dead when they were cut in half.”

At the time during those rash of cat mutilations in Vancouver, I was working with pathologist and hematologist John Altshuler, M. D., in Denver, Colorado. In March 1993, we were able to obtain one of the half cats - the front half - for analysis of the abdominal excision. Dr. Altshuler confirmed that the entire excision had been cut with something hot enough to cook the collagen and hemoglobin.


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Part 1:  Viewer Letters About Mysterious, Loud Booms

“How is it possible that I could not hear the sound at one end of the block, yet at the other end it was very, very loud?”

- Houston, Texas resident


October 3, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  During my Earthfiles news updates for Coast to Coast AM radio on September 29-30, one of my reports was about the unexplained global phenomenon of low-pitched “hums” around the world since first reported in Bristol, England, in 1979. Most recently, there have been persistent headlines from the Detroit, Michigan, and Windsor, Ontario, Canada, region since 2010 about people being kept awake by a low-pitched, pulsing sound.


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Part 2:  Interviews with Scientists Studying Mysterious, Ancient Stone Circles in Middle East Visible Only from Air

“What the functions of the circles are, nobody has excavated one to my knowledge. .... It's really difficult to say what these circles meant to those people 9,000 years ago.”

- Gary O. Rollefson, Ph.D., Prof. of Anthropology,
Whitman College, Walla, Walla, Washington


Visible only from the air, a couple thousand of these mysterious patterns are in the black lava rocks of the huge Harrat ash-Shaam lava field that extends into Jordan. Hundreds more are in the lava rock north into Syria and south into Saudi Arabia. The strange patterns are as old as 9,000 years, but the reason for their creation is unknown. Aerial image by David D. Boyer, Ph.D., APAAME.
Visible only from the air, a couple thousand of these mysterious patterns are in the black lava rocks of the huge Harrat ash-Shaam lava field that extends into Jordan. Hundreds more are in the lava rock north into Syria and south into Saudi Arabia. The strange patterns are as old as 9,000 years, but the reason for their creation is unknown. Aerial image by David D. Boyer, Ph.D., APAAME.

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September 30, 2011  Perth, Western Australia and Walla Walla, Washington - Twenty-five million years ago there were repeated volcanic eruptions in what is now modern day Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Today there is continuous dark basalt for 100 miles or more in a region called Harrat Ash-shaam. Lots of the basalt has broken up over time into jagged, rocks. In that vast 100 miles of black lava rock has emerged an archaeological mystery to rival the enigma on the Plains of Nazca in Peru. Thousands of circular patterns, many with spokes like a wheel, are found throughout the Harrat Ash-shaam.


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