“She felt like she was being watched. As she turned around,
this object was moving down the runway.”
- Hill AFB, Utah, Employee

December 15, 2010 Hill AFB, Ogden, Utah - On December 12, 2010, I received the following email with two images attached of a brightly glowing disc above Hill AFB in Ogden, Utah, according to the sender. I am reprinting the entire email minus name and a particular division at Hill AFB in order to protect the sender's request for anonymity.
Subject: Hill AFB Unknown
Date: December 12, 2010
To: Linda Moulton Howe <earthfiles@earthfiles.com>
I have attached 2 pictures that my co-worker took on 12 Sept 10, with her cell phone. She just recently told me about them because she was afraid that she would be in trouble over the location where they were taken. We both work at Hill AFB in Ogden, Utah, on swing shift for the DoD in a division related to various weapons systems.
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