Updated: Radio Engineer Encounters Lime Green-Glowing Craft and Non-Humans in Backyard

“As soon as I made eye contact with those thin, black-eyed beings, that’s when I froze and could not move; I was paralyzed. ...there is going to be some sort of overlapping in 2012 that involves dimensions.”

- Retired TV and radio broadcast engineer, Southern California


Dark avocado green, rough lizard-like skin around big, black eye holes of short, thin entities that wore skin-tight black garments inside a lime green glowing small craft in radio engineer's back yard, 1977, Southern California. Illustration © 2010 by Mr. Jones.
Dark avocado green, rough lizard-like skin around big, black eye holes of short, thin entities that wore skin-tight black garments inside a lime green glowing small craft in radio engineer's back yard, 1977, Southern California. Illustration © 2010 by Mr. Jones.

Updated  below with Texas Nurse comment:  December 6, 2010  Southern California - On November 23-24, 2010, I broadcast one of my monthly three hours of news updates about science, environment and Real X-Files on the Premiere Radio Networks' program Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, 11 PM to 2 AM Pacific. That night I had an extraordinary firsthand interview with a Texas nurse who asked to remain anonymous, but who said she and her husband had encountered non-human entities at their Dallas home on August 19, 2010.   Please see 112410 Earthfiles.


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