“The deer was just lying there, except it was missing the two eyes,
the side of the cheek and the rear of the animal was completely cored out. No blood.So, it was a very,very strange occurrence.”
- Retired Broadcast Engineer, New York
![Longs, South Carolina (red circle) is near the North Carolina border northeast of Myrtle Beach, a resort town and home of Myrtle Beach AFB until its closure in 1993.](https://www.earthfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/MuteDeerLongsSCMAPlo.jpg)
March 28, 2008 Longs, South Carolina - This week I received an email from a retired broadcasting engineer. He and his wife are currently spending the winter in Longs, South Carolina, near North Myrtle Beach. Their permanent residence is in New York State. The couple traveled to a recreational vehicle park in October 2007, where they have been living until they return to New York on April 1st. Last Thursday, March 20th, the husband – who has asked I not use his name – drove his car to a store, taking Southern Heights Drive towards Route 905. At that intersection, there is a small open field and he could see a deer down on its right side.
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