“Then a fifth orange light flew over the town a lot faster, slowed down
maneuvering into position to sort of finish off the fifth position in the formation. It ended up looking like a star constellation.”
- Tom Hawkes, U. K. Eyewitness
July 27, 2007 Stratford-upon-Avon, Warickshire, and Farnborough, Hampshire, England - In the Midlands of Great Britain in the county of Warwickshire is Shakespeare’s home town called Stratford-upon-Avon, not to be confused with a suburb of London called Stratford.
A pub in Stratford-upon-Avon called The Lone Elm on Birmingham Road in the center of town made headlines recently when at least eight of its employees and about one hundred pub visitors all watched orange lights move in formation in the sky. The lights stopped still in a pattern that did not change for nearly a half hour. And no sound. One of the pub visitors was Tom Hawkes, a local resident who works in Customer Care for the British Land Rover company. He had his Olympus digital camera that can take both still frames and up to 40 minutes of videotape with the click of a button. Tom taped at least five minutes of the lights. One of his video frames was used by the Stratford-Herald in the first news story about the event. I talked with him today about what happened.
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