Updated: Engineer Comments About Odd Aerial “Drones”? Over Lake Tahoe and Central California

"The design strategy of charged ion / shaped plasma 'buoyancy' devices does bear some relevancy here. For instance, the circular array of curved 'antennae' coming out of the center of the device is very similar to a form of wave guide/shaping mechanism for a charged plasma/ion field."

- Nanotech Engineer

Top:  Odd aerial "drone"? photographed in Lake Tahoe, California, on May 5, 2007. Bottom: Another odd aerial "drone"? photographed in Central California, on May 6, 2007. Both photographers request anonymity.
Top:  Odd aerial "drone"? photographed in Lake Tahoe, California, on May 5, 2007. Bottom: Another odd aerial "drone"? photographed in Central California, on May 6, 2007. Both photographers request anonymity.

Top:  Odd aerial "drone"? photographed in Lake Tahoe, California, on May 5, 2007. Bottom: Another odd aerial "drone"? photographed in Central California, on May 6, 2007. Both photographers request anonymity.

Return to previous Earthfiles report:  "Odd Aerial "Drones"?

[ Editor's Note: The words "Chad" and "Drone" at the beginning of my image file names are only an organizational effort for Earthfiles. I work on a Mac G-5 and re-size images for Earthfiles formats. I downloaded the Chad images from the COAST website, which I understand were also re-sized there. So, the only May 6, 2007, original images would be with Chad. Same applies to the May 5, 2007, Lake Tahoe Submitter 7013; and May 16, 2007, Capitola rajman1977 images.


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