"A few minutes before I was born, the power went out.
...After the power came back on and everyone came back to their senses,
I’m not there. Me, the baby, has already been delivered. They found me out in a hallway wrapped up in a towel. One testicle was missing."
- R.D.
March 2, 2006 Northern California - Fifty-eight years ago, the date July 2, 1947, was two days before the alleged crashes of three extraterrestrial aerial craft in the Roswell and White Sands Proving Ground region of New Mexico. That night of July 2nd, in Casper, Wyoming, a baby boy was born after 35 minutes of missing time, later linked to an abduction of the unborn child by a non-human entity that had orange eyes. Over the past fifty-eight years, that child, “R.D.,” grew into adulthood, haunted by strange memories and the panicked confusion his mother described at the time he was born. His official birth certificate says R.D. was delivered in the public hospital in Casper. Yet, his mother was definite that she was in a military hospital that seemed nearly empty while she was in labor.
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