Part 2: Mysterious Lights At Coles County, Illinois, Corn Circles

“Three different witnesses described seeing brilliant fire engine red – ‘brighter than fireworks’ – balls of light, larger than any stars or planets, but smaller than the full moon. The bright red lights appeared in the sky in the area of the two circles.”

– Jeff Wilson, Director, ICCRA

Coles County, Illinois

August 21, 2005 – Cattle Corn

Above and below are two circles in 9-foot-tall cattle corn reported on August 21, 2005, Coles County, Illinois. Farmer wants name and location withheld. Aerial photographs © 2005 by Roger Sugden, ICCRA.
Above and below are two circles in 9-foot-tall cattle corn reported on August 21, 2005, Coles County, Illinois. Farmer wants name and location withheld. Aerial photographs © 2005 by Roger Sugden, ICCRA.

The fifth formation was discovered on August 21, in Coles County, Illinois. There were two circles in cattle corn that were discovered by the son of the landowner while he was cutting grass in an adjacent drainage area. Both circles exhibited a radial lay pattern. They were not swirled down. They were flattened from the center toward the edge.


Yes, although the large circle does have a very slight clockwise spin to it.

The larger circle above measured 74' 6" by 78'. The smaller circle was 22' 10" by 20' 10". The radial lay moves from a center point outward to the edges of the circles. Pole photograph © 2005 by Ted Robertson, ICCRA.
The larger circle above measured 74′ 6″ by 78′. The smaller circle was 22′ 10″ by 20′ 10″. The radial lay moves from a center point outward to the edges of the circles. Pole photograph © 2005 by Ted Robertson, ICCRA.

It also has an outer band of stalks about 4 feet wide that alternated being flattened clockwise and counterclockwise. Sometimes those areas would overlap. Sometimes they were diametrically opposed. It appears that the diametrically opposed sections are at both the north and south points. The overlapping areas are at the east and west points. the north part of the circle is slightly flattened out, so it’s not really a perfect circle.

The large circle measures 74.5 feet by 78 feet, so it’s more of an elongated ellipse than a circle. The smaller circle is also a slight ellipse being 22 feet 10 inches by 20 feet 10 inches. That also had a radial lay. That circle also had just a couple of stalks on the outer edge that were swirled down, literally like four stalks out of the entire formation were swirled. The rest of it was flattened from the center.

Outer edge of circle with a few stalks swirled, rather than radial lay straight from center. Photograph © 2005 by ICCRA.
Outer edge of circle with a few stalks swirled, rather than radial lay straight from center. Photograph © 2005 by ICCRA.
 In center of small circle, cattle corn stalks were laid in four directions. Photograph © 2005 by Delsey Knoechelman, ICCRA.
In center of small circle, cattle corn stalks were laid in four directions. Photograph © 2005 by Delsey Knoechelman, ICCRA.


We did not see widespread node damage. However, there were a couple of stalks that exhibited what appeared to be expulsion cavities. We also spent an entire day measuring nodes for doing an elongation measurement. I managed to do the numbers on three of those and they appear to be statistically elongated, by about 25%. I have to say that in the large circle, most of the stalks have already died and were dried up by the time we need the node measurements. But there were still several stalks that were still green. Those stalks appeared to have the longest node elongation from all of the plants. So of all the stalks that did not get snapped off and die instantly, the ones that still were alive and green had the longest nodes of all the stalks we examined.

Above: Growth node has a hole that might be an expulsion cavity caused by microwave energy heating of the node water, an anomaly found in many crop formations. Below: Node hole and purple-red discoloration, also previously reported to be a crop formation anomaly. See: Earthfiles 060205. Photographs © 2005 by Delsey Knoechelman, ICCRA.
Above: Growth node has a hole that might be an expulsion cavity caused by microwave energy heating of the node water, an anomaly found in many crop formations. Below: Node hole and purple-red discoloration, also previously reported to be a crop formation anomaly. See: Earthfiles 060205. Photographs © 2005 by Delsey Knoechelman, ICCRA.


We did take soil samples. We did not find any obvious signs of elevated magnetic particles. We also did not appear to have any radiation levels of electric or magnetic fields. But I haven’t run the numbers yet to validate that.

I will say that while I was out in the field, at one point both Delsey Knoechelman and I heard a very unusual sound that we could not place. It seemed to be coming from between the two circles and it sounded like a low, mechanical humming type of sound.


Strange Sound


Couldn’t do it for you. It’s lower than my vocal register could probably do. Now, we did not record it, but unusually Ted Robertson later on that night was filming the formation with his infrared video camera. As he panned across the main circle looking toward the small circle in the same direction in which we heard that sound, he said that he has recorded an audible interference pattern every time that he panned across that same area. So there is some sort of unusual RF interference pattern that gave him distortion on his videotape while he was taping.


Mysterious Lights Seen by Multiple Eyewitnesses Near Coles County, Illinois, Formation


Not in the Greene County, Ohio, or Canisteo, New York, case, but in the Coles County, Illinois, event – once we had arrived, we were contacted by four different people who reported seeing unusual lights in the sky in the area where the formation was, both around the time of the formation and subsequent to the discovery of the two circles. Like for instance, there was one person who reported at 4:30 in the morning after the formation was discovered, they watched two unusually bright, white balls of light with beams of light shining toward the ground that were spotted in the area toward where the formation was located, although the formation was not visible from their location.

Three different witnesses described seeing brilliant fire engine red – ‘brighter than fireworks’ – balls of light, larger than any stars or planets, but smaller than the full moon. The bright red lights appeared in the sky in the area of the two circles. The appearance of the lights caused two of the witnesses to nearly drive off the road. There were two completely independent people who came to us at different times to report this same eyewitness event of seeing the red lights.


As far as I know at this point.


One of the witnesses said they watched for some time and then a light went out. It was gone for a short time and it appeared again and it had moved to a slightly different area. Then they watched it for some time, and then the light faded down again, was gone off for a short period, and then came back on in a third location. But all three locations were generally in the same area of where the two circles were.


Diagram of Coles County, Illinois Circles By Ted Robertson, ICCRA

August 30, 2005, diagram of Coles County, Illinois, corn circles © 2005 by Ted Robertson, ICCRA.
August 30, 2005, diagram of Coles County, Illinois, corn circles © 2005 by Ted Robertson, ICCRA.


Harmonics and Diatonic Ratios

Ted Robertson, Harpsichord Craftsman: “It seems that the two Illinois circles in corn create diatonic ratios when compared to each other using Hawkins style methodology. Just thought I’d play round with these to see how close to being circular they are.

I did a simple Hawkins method on these and it turns out that if we take the largest circle at 75 feet and the smallest at 20 then I got a ratio of 3.75 (75/20) which is three octaves above middle C and a fifth.

This is the interval from c’ to g”‘. So its a fifth three octaves higher following Hawkins methodology.

Conversely if we took the largest circle as being the lowest note (instead of making it be the highest as Hawkins would have done in the previous calculation) then starting with the smallest circle designated as c’ then the ratio to the larger circle would sound three octaves and a fourth below. Played on a piano this would give an interval from c’ to FFF the interval is three octaves and a fifth as well.

So regardless of which circle we assign to be middle c since we have a three octaves and a fifth interval which gives a high “G” and a low “F ” , these are diatonic and not enharmonic ratios. The high G and low F both are “white notes” on the piano in the key of C.

For more about the diatonic ratio analysis of crop formations by deceased astronomer and mathematician, Gerald Hawkins, see: Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I-Facts & Eyewitnesses in Earthfiles Shop.

A harmonic analysis of 2005 Coles County, Illinois, corn circles © 2005 by Ted Robertson, ICCRA.
A harmonic analysis of 2005 Coles County, Illinois, corn circles © 2005 by Ted Robertson, ICCRA.


Belleville, Wayne County, Michigan

August 28, 2005 – Corn

On August 28, I received a report of a very small crescent-shaped formation in corn in Belleville, Wayne County, Michigan, southwest of Detroit. The circle is about eight feet across. ICCRA member, Dr. Charles Lietzau, has made a preliminary investigation, so photos and additional details will be reported soon.”

More Information:

For other Earthfiles reports about U. S. crop formations, see Earthfiles Archives:

  • 08/02/2005 —  Part 2: Anomalies Confirmed in Pennsylvania and Arizona Randomly Downed Crops
  • 08/02/2005 —  Part 1: Anomalies Confirmed in Pennsylvania and Arizona Randomly Downed Crops
  • 07/23/2005 —  Mystery of Six Grass Circle Formations in North Carolina
  • 06/02/2005 —  Part 2 – Highly Anomalous Pigment Formation in 2004 Hillsboro, Ohio, Crop Formation
  • 05/26/2005 —  Phoenix Barley Mystery: Apparently Irrigation and Wind
  • 05/20/2005 —  May 2005 Crop Formation Update in Six Countries
  • 05/09/2005 —  Mysterious Lights and 2003 Serpent Mound Soybean Formation
  • ·10/17/2004 —  American Crop Formations: 1880-2004
  • 09/22/2004 —  Miamisburg and Serpent Mound, Ohio Crop Formations: Geometries Compared
  • 09/10/2004 —  Update on Miamisburg, Ohio, Corn Pictogram – Balls of Light?
  • 09/05/2004 —  Part 2 – Hillsboro, Ohio Corn Plant Anomalies
  • 09/04/2004 —  Hillsboro, Ohio Corn Formation – High Strangeness in Soil and Plants
  • 09/02/2004 —  Updated Photos: Big, Impressive New Corn Formation in Miamisburg, Ohio
  • 07/26/2004 —  Crop Circles in Tilden, Wisconsin Oats and 90-Degree Angles in Litchfield, Minnesota Barley
  • 07/15/2004 —  Updated: Part 1-Beyond Hillsboro, Ohio, More Corn Down in New Milford, Connecticut
  • 07/13/2004 —  Updates on Spanish Fork, Utah Barley Formation
  • 07/06/2004 —  Additions to Spanish Fork, Utah Formation and Mysterious Lights Seen
  • 07/06/2004 —  Mysteriously Downed Oat Plants in Eagle Grove, Iowa, and Downed Corn in Hillsboro, Ohio
  • 07/04/2004 —  Crop Formation in Spanish Fork, Utah
  • 06/02/2004 —  2004 Peach Orchard, Arkansas Crop Formation
  • 05/24/2004 —  Biophysicist W. C. Levengood’s Crop Circle Reports Available for First Time On Internet
  • 05/22/2004 —  2004 Overview of Crop Formations in Six Countries
  • ·12/05/2003 —  Diatonic Ratios and Seed Changes in 2003 California Wheat Circles Rule Out Hoax?
  • ·11/01/2003 —  Another Soybean Formation in Ohio
  • ·10/17/2003 —  2003 “UFO Flap” in Ohio
  • ·10/03/2003 —  Part 2 – Military Interest in Serpent Mound and Seip Mound Formations?
  • ·10/02/2003 —  Part 1 – Another Soybean Formation Near Seip Mound in Ohio
  • 09/12/2003 —  Second Soybean Crop Formation in Ohio Manmade. By Special USAF Investigation Unit?
  • 09/06/2003 —  Part 2 – Unusual Soybean Formation Near Serpent Mound, Ohio
  • 09/05/2003 —  Part 1 – Unusual Soybean Formation Near Serpent Mound, Ohio
  • 08/29/2003 —  Part 1 – Why Do Military Helicopters Focus On Crop Formations?
  • 07/19/2003 —  Update – Defiance, Missouri T-Pattern Cut in Saplings
  • 06/13/2003 —  Updated: Fractal Crop Formation in Knobel, Arkansas
  • 05/10/2003 —  Tree Formation in Defiance, Missouri
  • 08/20/2000 —  Crop Formations In North Dakota
  • 11/30/1999 —  A New Crop Formation In Marion, New York and Crop Research Updates
  • 07/15/1999 —  Brentwood, Tennessee Crop Formation and New U.K. Photos by Peter Sorensen


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