Albany Videotape of Unidentified “Missile” Sent to Military Intelligence, Fort Hood, Texas

On Sunday, October 20, 2002, at 4:20 p.m. EDT, FOX 23 News videographer, Brandon Mowry, was filming a weather segment for WXXA-TV in Albany, New York. While the camera was still running, he lifted the camera 180 degrees to get another shot of a plane taking off. He did not know at the time that he caught seven frames (1/3rd second) of digital videotape of the jet airliner passing out of the upper right corner and a strange, missile-like, unidentified aerial object rapidly passing through sky and seemingly through a cloud estimated to be at 5,000 feet or more. Darker blue "line" at center of frame is the rapidly moving unidentified object that is enlarged inside the white oval in lower left corner.Videotape © Fox 23 News WXXA, Albany, New York.
On Sunday, October 20, 2002, at 4:20 p.m. EDT, FOX 23 News videographer, Brandon Mowry, was filming a weather segment for WXXA-TV in Albany, New York. While the camera was still running, he lifted the camera 180 degrees to get another shot of a plane taking off. He did not know at the time that he caught seven frames (1/3rd second) of digital videotape of the jet airliner passing out of the upper right corner and a strange, missile-like, unidentified aerial object rapidly passing through sky and seemingly through a cloud estimated to be at 5,000 feet or more. Darker blue "line" at center of frame is the rapidly moving unidentified object that is enlarged inside the white oval in lower left corner.Videotape © Fox 23 News WXXA, Albany, New York.

November 4, 2002 Albany, New York - There has been much speculation about what the strange object is that has a long body and seems to blend into the blue sky, but also has white fin-like structures at the front and back of the object. (See Earthfiles 10/29/02) Today, I talked with FOX23 videographer, Brandon Mowry, at the station and learned that his assignment desk has received word that the investigation has now branched out from the FBI to a military intelligence unit at Fort Hood, Texas, southwest of Waco.


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