Mysterious, Buzzing Light in Tehachapi, California

Tehachapi, California, the residence of Neil Browning since 1991, about 50 miles from  Edward AFB. In that Mojave Desert and Tehachapi Mountains region, many people have  reported hearing strange underground sounds, seeing unidentified triangles and other aerial  craft, and even non-human entities. Rumors have long persisted that the area has  underground installations, but no one specifies who operates them.
Tehachapi, California, the residence of Neil Browning since 1991, about 50 miles from Edward AFB. In that Mojave Desert and Tehachapi Mountains region, many people have reported hearing strange underground sounds, seeing unidentified triangles and other aerial craft, and even non-human entities. Rumors have long persisted that the area has underground installations, but no one specifies who operates them.

July 23, 2002  Tehachapi, California ­ Last week I received an e-mail from 41-year-old Neil Browning of Tehachapi, California. Neil worked his entire U.S. Air Force career as a mechanic on airplanes until he retired as an E-7 in 1999. Then he took a position with the USAF Civil Service at Edwards AFB as an F-16 fighter aircraft crew chief. Neil Browning has lived in the same house in Tehachapi that he purchased in 1991. Between 1995 to 1999 he was on assignment in Korea and Luke AFB, Arizona and rented the house until he retired and moved back in full time.

Neil Browning's house in Tehachapi, California west of Edwards Air Force Base  where he works as an F-16 crew chief. His car is parked in front of the garage where the buzzing  light encounter took place around 12:15 a.m. PDT on July 11, 2002. At the right beyond the fence  is the trailer that Neil retreated to in fear after the encounter with the light in the garage.  Photograph taken on July 23, 2002 by Neil Browning.
Neil Browning's house in Tehachapi, California west of Edwards Air Force Base where he works as an F-16 crew chief. His car is parked in front of the garage where the buzzing light encounter took place around 12:15 a.m. PDT on July 11, 2002. At the right beyond the fence is the trailer that Neil retreated to in fear after the encounter with the light in the garage.
Photograph taken on July 23, 2002 by Neil Browning.


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