EPA Admits Humans Burning Fossil Fuels A Big Factor in Global Warming

June 3, 2002, The New York Times front page.
June 3, 2002, The New York Times front page.

June 3, 2002 Boulder, Colorado - Today the Bush Administration and its Environmental Protection Agency made the front page of The New York Times above the fold with an admission that human burning of fossil fuels is largely responsible for increasing greenhouse gases around the earth and global warming. Times reporter, Andrew Revkin, based his report on a 268-page document quietly submitted earlier this spring by the EPA to the United Nations entitled, "U. S. Climate Action Report - 2002, the Third National Communication of the United States of America Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change." In that agreement with the U. N., the United States is honor bound to report every five years on the progress this county is making on environmental issues. Reporter Revkin said the EPA report "strongly concludes that no matter what is done to cut emissions in the future, nothing can be done about the environmental consequences of several decades' worth of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases already in the atmosphere.


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