A Bull Mutilation in Christmas Valley, Oregon

Dozens of animal mutilations and strange unidentified aerial lights have been reported   over several decades in Oregon's Sand Springs region and south into Christmas Valley.
Dozens of animal mutilations and strange unidentified aerial lights have been reported over several decades in Oregon's Sand Springs region and south into Christmas Valley.

May 18, 2002  Fort Rock, Oregon - There is a new report from the Lake County, Oregon Sheriff's Office this month of a bull mutilation in the Christmas Valley of Oregon southeast of Bend. It seems to be a continuation of animal mutilations and very strange aerial lights near the Sand Springs region over the past several decades. One rancher there in 1980 even described seeing cattle drawn up into glowing discs in the sky and dropped back down to the ground, dead and mutilated, the weight of their bodies making craters in the dusty soil. Oregon resident, Dwain Wright, talked with that Sand Springs rancher and described the incident for me when I was producing my documentary Strange Harvests 1993 and my book Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. II: High Strangeness (see Earthfiles Shop). Here is a brief excerpt from that interview:


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