United States Nuclear Power Plant Security – Is It Effective Against Terrorists?

"Government officials said intelligence suggested that al-Qaeda
members had been considering attacking U. S. nuclear power plants
with car or truck bombs, boats or aircraft."

- Seth Borenstein, The Philadelphia Inquirer, January 31, 2002

103 nuclear power plants in the states colored purple above supply about twenty percent of the electricity used in the United States. Some states have only one reactor. Others such as Pennsylvania have nine reactors, including Three Mile Island which is near the Harrisburg International Airport. Graphic © 2001 by the Nuclear Energy Institute.
103 nuclear power plants in the states colored purple above supply about twenty percent of the electricity used in the United States. Some states have only one reactor. Others such as Pennsylvania have nine reactors, including Three Mile Island which is near the Harrisburg International Airport. Graphic © 2001 by the Nuclear Energy Institute.

February 4, 2002  Middletown, Pennsylvania - President George Bush said in his January 29, 2002 State of the Union speech that "diagrams of American nuclear power plants" were found among terrorist manuals and other artifacts left by terrorists in Afghanistan. Earlier on January 16, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had issued an alert that a terrorist attack on a nuclear power plant could be imminent.


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