Intelligence Sensed In Mysterious Lights Associated With Crop Formations

"I felt an orange light was homing in on me and communicating
with my brain or trying to take something out of my brain."

- Hazel, friend of Andy Buckley, August 12, 2000

Unidentified, white glowing object moved rapidly across triple crescent formation at Barbury Castle, Wiltshire, England on August 7, 1999. People in formation did not seem aware of the mysterious light seen and videotaped © 1999 by Donald Fletcher of London.
Unidentified, white glowing object moved rapidly across triple crescent formation at Barbury Castle, Wiltshire, England on August 7, 1999. People in formation did not seem aware of the mysterious light seen and videotaped © 1999 by Donald Fletcher of London.

August 23, 2000 Wilcot, Wiltshire, England - On August 12, 2000 before we climbed Woodborough Hill to watch for mysterious lights, graphic artist, Andy Buckley, and his partner, Hazel, and I met at The Golden Swan pub in Wilcot, Wiltshire to talk about the intelligence in the mysterious lights each has sensed the past few years. Andy has a dozen videotapes of light phenomena associated with the crop formations, both day and night.


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