"...It took from me everything I had ever seen, tasted, felt and touched
from the time I was that age (21) clear back to the time I was an embryo
in my mother's womb. I got to see that like a tape being played out.
It was like taking from my life experience everything
I've ever seen or tasted or felt or touched."
- Dale Patrone, Miner -

April 16, 2000 Delta, Colorado - Recently on Dreamland radio, I have reported about discoveries of secret microwave radar bases and monitoring of craft of unknown origin in New Mexico in the 1940s and beyond. My reports provoked one listener, Dale Patrone of Delta, Colorado, to FAX me concerning his own encounter with a round disc on top of a snow-covered mountain near Miracle Mile, Wyoming on March 28, 1977 after a raging blizzard. Dale, his brother and sister-in-law and another friend had camped along the Platte River for a fishing holiday northwest of Medicine Bow. Dale, now 44 years old and a miner most of his life, had never seen anything like the disc's blackish-brown, glassy-metallic surface - nor the dozens of odd symbols embedded around its edge.
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