Part 1:  Updated 033021 with boom recordings – Part 1: Updated 033021 – Mysterious Rattling Booms Expand from Clintonville to Montello, Wisconsin and Beyond.  Viewer reports.

- Click here for recording of March 24, 2012
single boom in Clintonville, Wisconsin.

“Boom reports in Montello have been pretty much community wide.
We've checked with our typical sources such as utility companies and anybody maybe drilling or doing construction in the area and at this point in time we don't know what it is.”

- Richard Olson, Police Chief  of Montello, Wisconsin

“Clearly it simply jolts you. It sounds like someone drops a piece of dynamite outside of the building you’re in. Or that something sort of exploded under the ground. ...We have checked gas lines, sewers, water pressures and consulted with meteorologists, seismologists, U. S. military, utilities experts and mining companies, but have come up empty-handed.”

- Lisa Kuss, City Administrator, Clintonville, WI

Beginning at 5:30 PM Central on Tuesday, March 20, 2012, in Montello, Wisconsin, about 80 miles southwest of Clintonville, residents called police about loud booms shaking their houses and rattling windows. University of Wisconsin-Madison Seismologist Harold Tobin said he was not aware of any seismic readings or reports near Montello.
Beginning at 5:30 PM Central on Tuesday, March 20, 2012, in Montello, Wisconsin, about 80 miles southwest of Clintonville, residents called police about loud booms shaking their houses and rattling windows. University of Wisconsin-Madison Seismologist Harold Tobin said he was not aware of any seismic readings or reports near Montello.


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