More Big Basin, California, Bizarre “Drone” Images

"It was rotating, slowly, but often changing direction from clockwise to counterclockwise randomly."

- Ty B., Big Basin, California

Big Basin Redwoods State Park is northwest of Santa Cruz, California.
Big Basin Redwoods State Park is northwest of Santa Cruz, California.

June 17, 2007 Big Basin, California - In yesterday's post office mail, I received twelve more images of the latest, more menacing-looking dragonfly-shaped aerial "drone," along with a letter mailed on June 11, 2007, from an eyewitness named Ty. He had also emailed me on June 11, telling me that he was sending photographs he had taken while bicycling with a group of riders near Saratoga, California, in Big Basin. Ty said the cycling group saw the bizarre aerial object three times on June 5, 2007. He said in his email that he was surprised to see at Earthfiles the images allegedly taken by someone named "Stephen" that showed the same object Ty and his friends watched appear and disappear also on June 5, 2007, and that Ty photographed.


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